West Ham and Hwang Hee-chan signing negotiations… Director Mois decides soon

German Bundesliga Leipzig striker Hwang Hee-chan

British media reports that England’s Premier League coach David Mois of West Ham will make a final decision sooner or later over the signing of’The Bull’ Hwang Hee-chan (25, Leipzig).

UK Sky Sports reported on the 27th (US time) that “West Ham is negotiating for Hwang Hee-chan’s recruitment,” and “Mois will make a final decision soon.”

Hwang Hee-chan’s West Ham’Love Call’ recently reported that the German media “is looking for a plan to lease Hwang Hee-chan in January as a new striker resource to replace Sebastian Haller, who moved to Ajax (Netherlands) by West Ham coach Mois.” It began to spread while saying that.

West Ham are seeking resources for Mikhail Antonio’s backup striker, with striker Haller transferred to Ajax for £22m (33.2 billion won) in the winter transfer market.

Sky Sports said, “Hwang Hee-chan left Salzburg (Austria) last summer and joined Leipzig, but he scored only one goal in a total of nine games this season,” said Sky Sports. “It was one month after he was infected with the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) last November. He said, “I haven’t been able to play for more than that, but I am playing as a replacement member.”

However, West Ham, who needs Antonio’s backup striker resources, appreciates the possibility of Hwang Hee-chan, who scored 16 goals-22 aids on the Austrian stage last season, even though Germany’s Bundesliga is having a hard landing. It is analysis.

Hee-chan Hwang in Leipzig with ball control [EPA=연합뉴스 자료사진]

Sports media’Fan Sided’ also reported Hwang Hee-chan’s lease on West Ham, saying, “West Ham are taking their life and death to recruit a new striker in the situation where the transfer market in January is short.” “Leipzig’s Hwang Hee-chan quickly emerged as a candidate. I did.”

‘Fan Sided’ attracts attention by mentioning both positive and negative aspects when West Ham recruits Hwang Hee-chan.

The media said, “Hwang Hee-chan is a player who is well known for his excellent physical strength and activity, so it fits into the framework of the player Mois is looking for and will help West Ham.” It is positive not to need this.”

He added, “You have shown a good appearance in Austria, but you haven’t scored or helped in the Bundesliga yet,” he said. “If you are struggling in the Bundesliga, moving to the Premier League could be an excessive leap forward. Hwang Hee-chan’s current condition may be a risky choice, but Moi “If you really want to, you have to bring him to the team and rediscover his skills.”
