West Ham aims for French FW instead of Hwang Hee-chan

[인터풋볼] Reporter Shin Dong-hoon = As West Ham United is on the verge of losing Hwang Hee-chan (25, Leipzig), they are working hard to recruit other strikers.

Hwang Hee-chan entered the European stage in 2015, joining the prestigious Red Bull Salzburg in Austria. He gained experience with Salzburg 2nd Army Rippering and Hamburg, Germany. In the 2019-20 season, Elling Holland and Minamino Takumi made a surprise appearance in the UEFA Champions League and received attention. The two left Salzburg in the winter, but Hwang Hee-chan remained on the team and played an ace, scoring 11 goals and 13 assists in 27 league games.

Hwang Hee-chan’s next destination was Red Bull Leipzi, which has a parent company like Salzburg. Leipzig were looking for a replacement with the transfer of key striker Timo Werner. Hwang Hee-chan was an attractive player from Leipzig’s point of view and was recruited through the transfer market last summer. Hwang Hee-chan raised expectations by scoring one goal and one help in the first round of the German Football Association (DFB) Focal.

However, Hwang Hee-chan is going through a difficult time. At the time of adaptation to the team, he was diagnosed with Corona 19 and struggled with the disease. He recovered from Corona 19, but his performance seldom improved. Manager Julian Nagelsmann also put midfielder Emil Forsbury to the front instead of Hwang Hee-chan, or moderated Yusuf Foulsen and Alexandre Sorolos. Hwang Hee-chan couldn’t even play a single game in the Bundesliga this season.

Accordingly, the rental transfer was planned through the winter transfer market. Mainz was mentioned, but the leading candidate was West Ham of the English Premier League (EPL). Massive reports from the UK’s’Sky Sports’ and other influential local media were followed. West Ham desperately needed reinforcement as Sebastian Alle left for Ajax and only Michael Antonio remained in the front line. Although the lease was strong, the situation changed with the comments of manager Nagelsmann.

Director Nagelsmann said at a press conference in advance on the 29th (Korean time) ahead of the Bundesliga 19th round Leverkusen game, “I cannot give up on him. There was not enough training time yet. There were few opportunities to show myself. I have already spoken with Hwang Hee-chan,” he said and nailed him that there would be no miracles.

West Ham are aiming for Gaetan La Borde, who has gone through the French national team by age, instead of Hwang Hee-chan, whose transfer breakdown is strong. La Bordet was a 26-year-old French striker who played only in his own league throughout his professional career. La Bordet, who has scored 32 goals in 143 games in the French League Ens, is currently a part of Montpellier. British’The Sun’ said, “West Ham wants him. Montpellier told me to put in an official proposal at least by tomorrow.”

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