Went to worry about Shin Hyun-soo’s move?…靑’The President’s share’

Shin Hyun-soo, 靑 Chief Min Jeong, takes office as a wen

I don’t make a position related to the wen…

In case of delay in traffic control,’Shin Hyeon-soo replacement theory’ ↑

President Moon Jae-in is speaking at a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the 22nd. On the left is Min Jeong-su, Shin Hyun-soo, the president’s secretary office./Yonhap News

Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive of the Blue House, has returned, but various speculations surrounding his move have seldom subsided. It is because President Moon Jae-in, who took over the future position of Chief Shin, has not made an official position. Among several options, such as’re-confidence’ and’temporary stay until the appointment of a successor’, it is observed that if President Moon does not give a clear position, the’replacement of civilian seniors’ will gain strength.

A senior Blue House official said, “There is no today” in a call with the Seoul Economic Daily on the 23rd when asked whether President Moon expressed his position on the rise of the new chief. The official replied, “Yes,” to the question, “Is President Moon not in the state of mentioning the related position?” President Moon’s silence over the rise of Chief Shin is continuing until the second day after Shin’s return to President Moon. Chief Shin expressed his gratitude for being excluded from Justice Minister Park Beom-gye in the process of senior prosecutors’ personnel affairs, and then returned to the Blue House the day before (22nd).

When asked,’Is President Moon struggling with Shin’s future position?’ I don’t know.” The Blue House announced on the 22nd that, on the 22nd, which announced the return of Chief Shin, “Now, the decision of the president remains.” When the’President’s Time’ is over, the Blue House is expected to convey Moon’s position in some way.

President Moon, whose leadership has been hit by the ‘surgery of death’, seems to be deeply troubled at various points. Shin came back to the Blue House on the 22nd and said, “I will do my best to perform my job,” but it is because it cannot be concluded that there will be no conflict with the Ministry of Justice while Shin remains in the senior civilian position. The’confrontation mode’ with the Ministry of Justice may be re-directed in issues such as the large-scale prosecution personnel scheduled after the resignation of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol in July and the establishment of the investigation office. Although he has a deep relationship with Chief Shin, there is a possibility that he felt the limitations of the former prosecution chief Min Jeong.

There are also observations that President Moon can hug Chief Shin and close the conflict due to his careful greeting style. President Moon also detained Shin directly whenever he expressed his gratitude several times earlier. Democratic Party lawmaker Park Joo-min also appeared on CBS radio that day and said, “(President Shin, Chief) will of course remain and continue to fulfill his duties as chief civil servant.”

However, if President Moon’s grievances prolong, the rumors of a new chief replacement will likely raise his head. As legal secretary Kim Young-sik and anti-corruption secretary Lee Myung-shin, who are members of the Minjeong Chief’s Office, have expressed their appreciation, Shin can be replaced with the cause of’organizational reorganization’.

/ Reporter Heo Se-min [email protected]

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