“Wen, silence after leaving the right to investigate… Another reason for deciding to resign”

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who expressed his gratitude, is leaving the office of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 4th.  President Moon Jae-in immediately accepted Yoon's appreciation within an hour.  yunhap news

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who expressed his gratitude, is leaving the office of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 4th. President Moon Jae-in immediately accepted Yoon’s appreciation within an hour. yunhap news

On the 5th, an analysis came out from inside and outside the legal community on the 5th that the silence of President Moon Jae-in over the movement to completely deprive the prosecution of the prosecutor’s right of prosecution (complete inspection) promoted in the case of former prosecutor general Yoon Seok-yeol resigned. Around the time of the resignation of former President Yoon, “When he was appointed as the prosecutor general, President Moon said,’I will leave the prosecutors with the right to investigate the six major crimes (corruption, economy, public officials, election, defense business, major catastrophe). It is a message from a number of legal officials that they said, ”

In fact, President Moon declared at the State Council on December 15 last year that “the institutionalization of the reform of power institutions, which was the longing for Korean democracy, has finally been completed.” This is due to the revised High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Agency (Airlift) Act, which passed the National Assembly five days ago. The law contained the content of removing the opposition party’s right to veto in the process of recommending candidates for the Minister of Public Affairs. At the State Council on that day, a promulgation of the revised National Intelligence Service Act and the Police Act was also published. The bill was published a few days later in the official gazette and promulgated. The main goal was to transfer the anti-aircraft investigation rights of the NIS to the police and to establish a new national investigation headquarters in the police.

President Moon Jae-in is presiding over a video cabinet meeting at the Blue House on the morning of December 15 last year.  yunhap news

President Moon Jae-in is presiding over a video cabinet meeting at the Blue House on the morning of December 15 last year. yunhap news

President Moon emphasized the settlement of the new system, saying, “We finally did it” even earlier this year, when the prosecutor’s right to conduct investigations was abolished in accordance with the revised Prosecutors’ Office Act and Criminal Procedure Act in January of last year and the adjustment of the prosecutor’s and police’s right to terminate the investigation was implemented. did. In his New Year’s speech on January 11th, President Moon cited the reorganization of power institutions as achievements, and said, “As it is a change of long-established institutions and practices, we will closely communicate and cooperate with various stakeholders to establish a reformed system.” .

Democratic Party lawmakers Jang Gyeong-tae, Hwang Unha, and Min Hyung-bae (from left) are answering inquiries by reporters after a press conference on the initiative of the Severe Crime Investigation Agency Act at the Seoul Yeouido National Assembly Communication Hall on the morning of the 9th of last month.  The main purpose of this bill is that the prosecution will transfer the right to investigate major crimes, including the six existing crimes, to the Severe Crime Investigation Office, and maintain only prosecution and prosecution.  News 1

Democratic Party lawmakers Jang Gyeong-tae, Hwang Unha, and Min Hyung-bae (from left) are answering inquiries by reporters after a press conference on the initiative of the Severe Crime Investigation Agency Act at the Seoul Yeouido National Assembly Communication Hall on the morning of the 9th of last month. The main purpose of this bill is that the prosecution will transfer the right to investigate major crimes, including the six existing crimes, to the Severe Crime Investigation Office, and maintain only prosecution and prosecution. News 1

However, the atmosphere within the Democratic Party was quite different. Since December 24, last year, when former President Yoon was freed from the Ministry of Justice’s disciplinary attempts, discussions began to overhaul new investigative powers. Democratic Party Representative Nak-yeon Lee, who convened an emergency Supreme Council meeting on December 25, Christmas Day, ordered the establishment of the Party Prosecutors’ Reform Special Committee and declared’Prosecution Reform Season 2’for the complete separation of investigations and prosecutions. After four days, Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Yong-min came out with a bill to abolish the prosecutor’s office and a bill to set up a public prosecution office (an agency responsible for prosecution and prosecution only), and the atmosphere of’overthrowing prosecution’ swept the passport.

‘Gamsuwanbak’ was born that way. The airlift, which President Moon defined as “a means of democratic control over the prosecution” (December 15 last year), has not yet completed hiring prosecutors and investigators, so it is not functioning. Was proposed. Democratic Party member Hwang Unha’s Law on the 9th of last month contains the transfer of all the investigative powers of the prosecution to the heavy water office. A roadmap to pass these laws within the first half of this year has also been publicly released.

President Moon Jae-in (left) and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol meet and greet at the Anti-Corruption Policy Council held at the Blue House on the afternoon of November 8, 2019.  Blue House Photo Reporters

President Moon Jae-in (left) and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol meet and greet at the Anti-Corruption Policy Council held at the Blue House on the afternoon of November 8, 2019. Blue House Photo Reporters

Since then, the theory of speed control has flowed from the Blue House, but after President Moon’s remarks, each has a different message. President Yoo Young-min, the president’s secretary, said, “You expressed that meaning (speed control)” (the National Assembly Operation Committee on the 24th of last month), but Justice Minister Park Beom-gye made a different voice, saying, “There was no expression of’speed control’ in the words of the President.” President Chung Jak Moon did not directly respond to the promotion of the review and completion. It was shortly after that, as if former President Yoon decided this month, he poured criticism on the heavy water office in the media. He strongly objected to Geom Suwanbak as “a’complete corruption'” (visiting Daegu on the 3rd) and resigned on the 4th.

Accordingly, there was a saying around President Yoon, “I decided to resign, seeing that the recent democratic party’s movement to reorganize the investigative powers is flowing irrespective of the will of the person in charge.” Former President Yoon himself said in his resignation, “This is what the prosecution has to do.” One prosecution officer said, “This is a matter of the existence of the prosecution itself,” and said, “There are many prosecutors who feel betrayed by their current passport regardless of their political orientation.”

Reporter Ha Jun-ho [email protected]
