Weekday vote on Trump impeachment… Schwarzenegger “Worst President”


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This is the second time that Correspondent Pil-kyu Kim and President Trump’s impeachment bill have been dealt with in the Federal Assembly. When impeachment was prosecuted in late 2019 due to the so-called “Ukrainian scandal,” an impeachment bill was passed in the House of Representatives, where the Democratic Party was the majority, but it did not cross the gates of the Senate, which was dominated by the Republican Party. What do you think will happen this time?


Earlier this week, there is news that the House of Representatives will vote on an impeachment bill.

With the Democratic Party occupying 222 seats, a majority of the 435 seats, it seems that it will be easier to pass the House, but again, the problem is the Senate.

With this Georgia final vote, the Democratic Party vs. Republican Party, including independents, became exactly 50-50.

For the impeachment of the President, two-thirds of the Senate’s approval is required, so 17 votes must be issued by the Republican Party.

So, as soon as the new president took office on the 20th, there is an opinion within the Democratic Party to freeze the state affairs over this issue and to take more time to deal with it.


In fact, it remains to be seen whether President Trump will be impeached. But, is the voice of criticism getting louder even inside the Republican Party where President Trump belongs?


Senators from the Republican Party also appeared on the air, saying, “The actions they showed in this incident disqualified President Trump from holding office”, “ignored the oath of office” and even “wanted the haya”.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Republican governor of California, also made sharp criticism. Listen for yourself.

[아널드 슈워제네거/전 캘리포니아 주지사 : (내가 자란 오스트리아에서) 나치는 (미 극우단체) 프라우드 보이즈같은 존재였습니다. 그들은 미국 민주주의의 건물을 부순 것만이 아닙니다. 그들은 이 나라를 세운 원칙들을 짓밟았습니다. 트럼프 대통령은 실패한 리더입니다. 그는 역사상 최악의 대통령으로 물러날 것입니다.]

Meanwhile, in an interview with a German newspaper, he cited his buzzword for President Trump, saying, “you are terminated.


The White House did not properly memorialize the policeman who died in the process of suppressing the intrusion of the Parliament House. Such controversy also arises. What is the specific content?


It was investigated that during the invasion of the Capitol Hill, Officer Brian Sicnik, a member of the congressional police, was killed in the head with a fire extinguisher wielded by protesters.

In memory of him, the Capitol took an early step, but the New York Times reported that no such order has yet been given to the White House and other federal government buildings under President Trump.

It is known that he has not yet expressed condolences to the bereaved family, but it is pointed out that it contradicts the attitude that emphasized the protection of the police authority in the past.


Some pointed out that the situation was raised because the state national defense forces were not deployed in time, right?


That’s why public opinion is worse.

This is the story of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, let’s hear it for yourself.

[래리 호건/매릴랜드 주지사 : 우리 주 방위군은 이미 이동해서 준비하고 있었습니다. 하지만 (국방부의 허가 없이는) 워싱턴DC를 향해 건너갈 수 없었죠. 여기서 꽤 시간이 걸렸습니다.]

In the end, approval was delayed for about 90 minutes, and criticism came out that the situation had grown.

I don’t know why, but CNN and others reported that President Trump was initially opposed to mobilizing the National Guard.

This is also contrary to the attitude that mobilized and emphasized the National Guard during the BLM protests.


What is the public opinion of American citizens now?


ABC News and Ipsos polled 570 adults on the 8th and 9th, and 67% of respondents said that President Trump was very responsible for the incident.

56% of respondents said that President Trump should withdraw before leaving office.

Of course, the response rate was sharply divided depending on the party that supported it, but analysts say that among Republican supporters, there is a strong atmosphere to hold Trump accountable for this case.

(Video Design: Choi Sujin)
