‘We reject dogs of military administration’… Myanmar citizens confront with autonomous organizations

On the 24th of last month, residents of Ocalapa, north of Yangon, Myanmar, protest in front of the ward office to prevent the military’s security team from operating. Frontier Myanmar Capture

“The dogs of the military government and the servants of the mad dictator will stab the backs of our citizens.”

On the 23rd of last month, protesters who occupied the northern Okalapa District Office in Yangon City, Myanmar, shouted slogan for the rebels. Citizens are resolutely defending after locking the front door of the ward office in order to prevent the activities of the’security team’, which the military has made for the purpose of arresting protesters. However, the military force, whose violent suppression became a routine, immediately picked up weapons and beat the citizens with police rods. He was shooting tear gas and rubber bullets and now firing live ammunition. On the 3rd, at least 15 people in Sagaing, Mandalay and Yangon were reported to have been killed by live ammunition shot by the military and police. However, the citizens are more united. Rather, the momentum of rejection of security teams originating in Yangon is spreading across the country.

According to local media such as the Frontier Times, the security team that angered citizens was composed of a surprise executive order from the military on the 22nd of last month. “Measures to ensure the law and order of the local community” are the cause of the outside world, but looking at the organizational structure and activities, it is the procedure for the military to take over the local administration tightly. The head of each regional security team is the military officer. Team members come from incumbent police or from the USDP, supported by the military. The security team called local administrators on their first day and nailed them to “submit to the military.” They ordered a crackdown on the’Vigilantes’ in each village.

On the 3rd, an ambulance put into a demonstration site in front of the Okalapa Ward Office in northern Yangon, Myanmar, stopped after being shot by military forces. SNS capture

The counter card of citizens was’Composition of the Autonomous Committee’. In order to avoid a gap in local administration due to the closure of the ward office, the minimum task of grassroots democracy was entrusted to local congressmen and citizen representatives elected at last year’s general election. In fact, at the end of last month, the citizens of Yangon consulted with the protesters’ lawyers and the CRPH, created by Aung San Suu Kyi’s national advisory camp, and elected 11 autonomous committee members, and are working on detailed business guidelines. The movement to introduce the self-government committee has spread to the central and northern regions of Mandalay and Sagaing this month.

In the capital Naepido, the struggle against the three powers of the military is desperate. The day before, CRPH appointed four members of the National League for Democratic Peoples League (NLD) elected in the last general election as the prime minister and acting ministers of foreign affairs, labor, and industry. It aims to establish a private transitional government and solidify with the international community. Myanmar Ambassador Mo Tun Joo-en, who gave a speech to the rebels at the UN General Assembly, also established a joint front with CRPH on the same day, saying, “I will not obey the military’s dismissal order.”

On the 2nd, a private envoy to the United Nations, which was appointed by the Representative Committee of the Federal Parliament of Myanmar (CRPH), submitted a legal document (photo) to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for judicial treatment of the military who committed terrorism against citizens through social media. ” SNS capture

Although the scale of resistance from citizens increases, the military is sticking to’My Way’. The military, which arrested a total of 1,213 people after the coup, prosecuted five high-ranking officials above the ministerial level, including Advisor Suu Kyi and President Yun Min, and dismissed or suspended 150 civil servants for participation in the’Citizen Disobedience Movement (CDM)’. . Six out of 29 foreign media and Myanmar reporters arrested while covering the scene of the protest are reported to have recently been charged with spreading fake news.

Military and police troops are moving with guns to quell the rebel protesters held in Mandalay, Myanmar on the 3rd. Mandalay=AP Yonhap News

Hanoi= Jaeho Jeong Correspondent

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