We knelt together… Myanmar military police shoot at protesters in front of a nuns

On the 8th (local time), Sister Ahn Rosa Nu Tahung kneels in front of police officers who came to suppress the protesters in Michinashi, Kachin Province, northern Myanmar, and appeals for'constrain fire'.  The two policemen also knelt together and put their hands together. [SNS 캡처]

On the 8th (local time), Sister Ahn Rosa Nu Tahung kneels in front of police officers who came to suppress the protesters in Michinashi, Kachin Province, northern Myanmar, and appeals for’constrain fire’. The two policemen also knelt together and put their hands together. [SNS 캡처]

Last month, a Myanmar nun who knelt in front of armed policemen and prayed for’restricting shooting’ knelt again. This time, the police also knelt together and put their hands together. Though it was thought that this would end peacefully, the military police eventually fired at the protesters, killing two young men. The nun cried and appealed, “This should never happen again.”

Two protesters were shot and killed in Kachin Province, northern Myanmar.
Sister Nu Taung, kneel down to shoot, appeals to Ms.
Military and police also kneel together and promise to “dismiss only”
However, the military who left the scene fired on two young men

Sister Rosa Nu Taung, kneeling in front of armed troops in Kachin Province, northern Myanmar, on the 28th of last month (local time) and asking for refrain from firing.[SNS 캡처]

Sister Rosa Nu Taung, kneeling in front of armed forces in Kachin Province, northern Myanmar, on the 28th of last month (local time) and asking for refrain from firing.[SNS 캡처]

The 28th of last month (local time) was called’Blood Sunday’ due to a large number of deaths. This is the story of Sister Ahn Rosa Nu Taung, who kneeled alone in front of an armed military policeman in Michinashi, Kachin Province, northern Myanmar. Sister Nu Taung of St. Francis Xavier’s parish knelt again in front of armed police on the 8th. Nevertheless, two people fell in front of him on this day. Sister Nu Taung cried in an interview with the local media, Kachin Wave, and shared the situation at the time.

Sister Ahn Rosa Nu Taung is crying in an interview with the local media Kachin Wave on the 8th (local time) and tells the incident that happened that day.  He said he knelt down and prayed, but eventually two people were killed by the fire of the military police. [카친웨이브 인터뷰 영상 캡처]

Sister Ahn Rosa Nu Taung is crying in an interview with the local media Kachin Wave on the 8th (local time) and tells the incident that happened that day. He said he knelt down and prayed, but eventually two people were killed by the fire of the military police. [카친웨이브 인터뷰 영상 캡처]

Sister Nu Taung, who was volunteering at a local medical institution that day, is said to have sensed an unusual atmosphere and went out to the streets. Three or four police cars were entering the village and protesters were running away.

Sister Nu Taung approached the police force, knelt and pleaded, “Please do not shoot, we are all the same Myanmar citizens.” Then some of the police knelt in front of the nun and said, “It will be okay. I just want to disperse the protesters.” Sister Nu Taung got up from her seat after saying “I know,” and left with the police.

Sister Nu Taung runs towards a person who fell down on the streets of the military police on the 8th.[SNS 캡처]

Sister Nu Taung runs towards a person who fell down on the streets of the military police on the 8th.[SNS 캡처]

The problem arose next. The relocated riot force fired at the protesters. Sister Nu Taung went to the place where the incident took place under the guidance of the protesters. There was a man on the street who was shot and fell. Sister Nu Taung explained the situation at the time, saying, “He was bleeding from his head,” and “People ran away, but I couldn’t leave. I asked for help around the collapsed person.” While Sister Nu Taung approached him and tried to kill him, another person was shot and collapsed in front of Sister Nu Taung.

Sister Nu Taung shed tears and appealed to the military police, saying, “This should not be repeated.” I didn’t even blame it. “They would not have been able to return home because they had to stop the protests,” he said.

Sister Nu Taung is reaching out to help a man who fell in the head after being shot in the head of a military policeman on the streets of Michinashi on the 8th.  On the right is Ko Jin Min Tet (23), one of the two people who died in front of the nun's eyes. [SNS 캡처, 카친웨이브]

Sister Nu Taung is reaching out to help a man who fell in the head after being shot in the head of a military policeman on the streets of Michinashi on the 8th. On the right is Ko Jin Min Tet (23), one of the two people who died in front of the nun’s eyes. [SNS 캡처, 카친웨이브]

Reuters reported that two protesters were killed and their lives were injured as a result of the military and police firing in Michina on the same day. Witnesses reported that the victims were killed by bullets from nearby buildings.

Following the 28th of last month, Sister Nu Tahung, who kneeled while appealing for refraining from shooting at the military police, quickly spread through social media (SNS). The sister’s identity was previously revealed through Twitter by Cardinal Charles Maung Bo. He posted a photo spread on social media and wrote, “Sister Nu Taung begged for freedom and human rights not to shoot at civilians protesting.”

According to Kachin Wave, one of the people who died in front of Sister Nu Taung was 23-year-old Ko Jin Min Tet. The citizens of Michina held a funeral on the street on the 9th, carrying Tet’s coffin. Citizens sprinkled flowers on the place where he died and prayed for the deceased’s blessing. Another victim, U Ko Ko Ko Rei’s funeral was also followed. Ray was also shot in the head and died.

Reporter Jeong Eun-hye [email protected]
