‘Warning’ on spam related to stock investment due to the issue of’Everything, debt investment’

Examples of spam messages related to stocks and investments [사진=후후앤컴퍼니]
Examples of spam messages related to stocks and investments [사진=후후앤컴퍼니]

[IT비즈뉴스 한지선 기자] Huhu&Company revealed that as a result of aggregating statistics on spam calls and text messages reported by Huhu users in the fourth quarter of last year, 6.67 million spam reports were received, an increase of about 656,000 from the previous year.

When reporting details are categorized by content, spam related to stocks and investments showed the largest increase from the same period last year. Most of them were methods of sharing unsubstantial investment information such as power stocks and operations stocks or extorting usage fees in the name of stock recommendations.

The number of reports of this type was 1.54 million, an increase of 62% from the same period last year. Related spam also increased in the second half of last year due to the stock fever of individual investors. The share of stocks and investments in all reports also increased, ranking second in the most reported types.

The number one report type is spam related to loan solicitation. For this type, a total of 1.82 million reports were received, an increase of 660,000 cases compared to the same period last year. This is the number that broke the highest number of reports of the same type since quarterly spam statistics were released.

In the report of Smishing, a fraudulent method that abused text messages, the influence of ‘Yong-cheol-debt-too’ was found. During the same period, smishing reports were 12,4849, an increase of about 30,000 from the same period last year.

In particular, it is noteworthy that smishing’s technique is diversifying not only to impersonate the former parcel delivery service or cheongjangjang, but also to impersonate a letter to promote loans from savings banks and card companies.

Meanwhile, spam related to illegal games and gambling, which has ranked first in the number of reporting types per year for the past three years, showed a slowing trend. The number of reports of this type was 1.41 million, and in the ranking of the most reported types, it was placed in third place behind loan recommendations and stocks and investments.
