Wage 68 Increase Retirement Age 60 Guaranteed… First joint action by Samsung union

Union of 8 Samsung affiliates under the Metals Labor Union → Integration of Samsung Metals Alliance
Wage increase, abolition of sub-highs and wage cuts, improvement in performance pay, retirement guarantee, etc.

On the afternoon of the afternoon of the 8th, the unions of the Samsung Group of the Korea Federation of Trade Unions Metals Labor Union held a press conference in the conference room of the Korean Trade Union in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, and announced the '2021 Joint Request for Wage Increase and System Improvement'.  The press conference was attended by eight Samsung Group unions, including the Samsung Electronics Union, Samsung Display Union, Samsung Welstory Union, Samsung Fire Insurance Anyka Accident Control Union, Samsung Fire Insurance Union, Samsung SDI Ulsan Union, Samsung Life Insurance Employees Union, and Samsung S1 Participation Union. Did/Photo = Yonhap News

On the afternoon of the afternoon of the 8th, the unions of the Samsung Group of the Korea Federation of Trade Unions Metals Labor Union held a press conference in the conference room of the Korean Trade Union in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, and announced the ‘2021 Joint Request for Wage Increase and System Improvement’. The press conference was attended by eight Samsung Group unions, including the Samsung Electronics Union, Samsung Display Union, Samsung Welstory Union, Samsung Fire Insurance Anyka Accident Control Union, Samsung Fire Insurance Union, Samsung SDI Ulsan Union, Samsung Life Insurance Employees Union, and Samsung S1 Participation Union. Did/Photo = Yonhap News

Samsung(83,000 -0.60%), Samsung Life Insurance(72,700 +1.25%), Samsung Fire Insurance(170,000 +1.19%) Eight Samsung Group labor unions (union) formed the’Samsung Group Labor Union Solidarity’ and requested system improvement such as a wage increase in 2021. This is the first joint demand issued by each union within the group.

On the 8th, the Samsung Group Labor Union Solidarity (hereinafter referred to as the Metals Samsung Solidarity) under the National Federation of Metals Labor Unions (Metals Labor Union) announced the ‘2021 Wage Increase and System Improvement Request’ at a press conference held in the Korean Federation of Trade Unions. Proposed joint (group) bargaining with the government.

The joint demands requested by the Samsung Metallurgical Coalition this time are △A 6.8% increase in wages in 2021 △Abolition of sub-high and low wage cuts and improvement of target management (MBO) △ Improvement of performance incentive (OPI) and target incentive (TAI) system △ Normal wage normalization △ Retirement age Contents such as the year-end guarantee for the age of 60 and the abolition of the wage peak are included.

Along with this, the metals-Samsung Solidarity also submitted an individual request, saying, “The labor unions affiliated with the Samsung Group’s union solidarity of metals labor unions present individual requests in addition to joint requests according to the circumstances of each company.” However, details of the individual request were not disclosed.

Samsung Metal Co., Ltd. is the nationwide Samsung Electronics, Samsung Display, and Samsung SDI.(770,000 -0.65%) It is an organization composed of eight Samsung Group unions under the Korean Federation of Trade Unions, including Ulsan, Samsung S1, Samsung Fire Insurance, Samsung Fire Insurance Anyka, Samsung Welstory, and Samsung Life employee labor unions.

Kim Man-jae, chairman of the Metals Labor Union, who attended the press conference said, “From today, the eight unions of Samsung Group companies, regardless of industry and industry, are united under the Metals Labor Union banner.” “We will fight to contend with the right to trade unions.”

Chairman Kim said, “If Samsung responds to the joint bargaining, it will be an opportunity to announce that it has truly abandoned the non-union management,” and said, “It will be an opportunity to acknowledge the sincerity of the abandonment to the public and Samsung members.”

It also requested full disclosure of the Samsung Group’s method of calculating incentives. Samsung Display Union Chairman Lee Chang-wan said, “Samsung is notifying that it is paying on the basis of economic added value (EVA) when formulating OPI, but the details are confidential, so we do not disclose it.” “I ask the management why it is scary to use it.”

Choi Won-seok, chairman of the Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Anica Damage Control Union, said, “We urge you to boldly abolish the dark history of labor-management relations, which were now lacking, and to properly recognize the labor union as a partner for win-win and harmony.” “We must actively accept the joint demands of the Samsung solidarity with the company.”

The metals labor union emphasized that “our workers will maintain all roles and actions” if they do not accept the agreement proposed by Samsung. An official from the Metals Labor Union said, “If Samsung refuses to negotiate jointly or proceeds with individual bargaining by affiliates, it will firmly refuse to do so.” “The reason” said.

Seongsu Bae, reporter Hankyung.com [email protected]
