[W 챔프] ‘4th place miracle’ Samsung Life, maintains power that is not easy

It doesn’t seem easy to maintain power.

Yongin Samsung Life defeated Cheongju KB Stars 74-57 in the 5th round of the KB Kookmin Bank’s Liiv M 2020-2021 Women’s Professional Basketball Championships match held at the Yongin Indoor Gymnasium on the 16th. Realized a 0% probability of’winning the 4th place championship in the regular league’.

It was a series that showed the desperateness of the coaching staff and players. The unity was also good. It showed well that basketball is a sport with 5 people, or even those on the bench.

The objective power was inferior, but the main player showed more than 100% performance. Hanbyul Kim (178cm, F) and Hyeyoon Bae (182cm, C) took the center, and Bomi Kim (176cm, F) showed the veteran’s strength.

Kim Dan-bi (175cm, F), who was recruited as a free agent (free contract) reward player, played a great role inside and outside, and young players such as Yoon Ye-bin (180cm, G), Shin Iseul (170cm, G), and Lee Myung-kwan (173cm, F). Gained confidence in their great experiences.

Samsung Life has earned the glory of winning, but it has to tackle tasks in order to maintain its glory. It minimizes power leakage.

However, the task is also not easy. First of all, Kim Bo-mi, whose contract expires, said, “In fact, I signed an FA contract last season and thought about retiring. Thank you so much for winning and retiring.”

Kim Han-byul, the MVP of the championship match, must sign an annual contract due to the naturalized mixed race player system. In fact, it can be seen as an FA. Captain Bae Hye-yoon and Kim Dan-bi, who played an active part, will also appear as a second free agent. Yun Ye-bin becomes the first free agent after his professional debut.

For Samsung Life, catching everyone is the best scenario. However, all of the players who appear as free agents may want high value because of their winning, and Samsung Life has a hard time catching them all in a limited salary cap (1.68 billion won including allowance).

In particular, Bae Hye-yoon and Kim Dan-bi, who become the second free agents, do not have to negotiate with the original club first. And if Samsung Life presents the maximum player annual salary (300 million won) to Yoon Ye-bin, the first free agent, the amount received by Bae Hye-yoon and Kim Dan-bi may be limited. You can go to the club.

That said, it is not easy to measure Yoon Ye-bin’s value low. Yebin Yoon has grown into the present and future of the team, and there are not many people who have the same physical condition and potential as Yoon Yebin in WKBL.

An official from Samsung Life also said, “In fact, it was predicted from before the opening of this season. After the season is over, it feels more real. I also enjoyed the joy of winning, so I think I will have to do what I have to do from now on.”

As mentioned above, it is correct to catch everything as much as possible. But if that doesn’t work, Samsung Life must first set its value. If you’re happy by March 15th, you’ll have to solve a bunch of tasks from March 16th. Your head will hurt quite a bit.

Photo courtesy of WKBL (photo description = From left to right: Yebin Yoon-Bomi Kim-Hyeyoon Bae-Hanbyul Kim)
Basket Korea / Reporter Son Dong-hwan [email protected]

[저작권자ⓒ 바스켓코리아. 무단전재-재배포 금지]
