Volleyball gangster players, it is difficult to play as a leader

Twin sisters
Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young, the’twin sisters’ of Heungkuk Life, a female professional volleyball player who caused social controversy due to school violence in middle school. He participated in the game against GS Caltex held at Jangchung Gymnasium in Seoul on October 21 last year. yunhap news

The twin sisters Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young (25), who have been suspended indefinitely from their team’s Heungkuk Life Insurance due to suspicion of school violence, and whose national team qualifications have been suspended indefinitely, are unlikely to become leaders in the future.

In a call with Yonhap News on the 16th, Cho Yong-gu, secretary general of the Korean Volleyball Association, said, “Athletes who are found to be perpetrators of school violence have’reasons for disqualification’ even when they acquire leadership qualifications.” “For those preparing for leaders, severe disciplinary experience is’restrictions. “It becomes” he said.

Secretary General Cho Yong-koo explained the reasons for the disqualification of the leader on the phone connection with the news show of CBS Kim Hyun-jung.

Not all perpetrators of school violence cannot be leaders.

However, in obtaining a leadership qualification, the’school violence history’ is subject to tremendous deduction.

Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young, who admitted the mistake of school violence, and Song Myung-geun and Shim Gyeong-seop (above OK Financial Group), are difficult to serve as leaders of the association’s affiliated organizations.

In addition, the Volleyball Association decided to deprive Song Myung-geun and Shim Gyeong-seop of national representatives indefinitely.

Secretary General Cho Yong-gu said, “The association is taking seriously the issues of Lee Jae-young, Lee Da-young, Song Myung-geun, and Shim Gyeong-seop. Yesterday, news of Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young’s indefinite deprivation of national team qualifications was mainly delivered, but neither male player could play as the national team.”

“Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young are the main players of the women’s volleyball team. “The departure of the two is a big blow to the national team preparing for the Tokyo Olympics,” he said. “To prevent recurrence, it is time for a resolute message that’we will take a break from the inappropriate behavior as a national player.’ After hard work, I decided to discipline myself.”

Song Myung-geun and Shim Gyeong-seop, respectively, are accused of committing harsh acts by their juniors during their high school and middle school years. The two told the club, “In the sense of self-sufficiency, they will not play in the remaining games this season,” and the club accepted.

The Volleyball Association is struggling to prevent a recurrence. Secretary General Cho Yong-gu said, “We are preparing to launch the’Sportsman Rights Center’ within the association. “We plan to create an organization dedicated to school violence and sexual violence, and strive for prevention education and follow-up measures.” yunhap news
