Volleyball Association Secretary General “Jaeyoung Lee and Dayoung Lee, pour cold water on volleyball popularity”

[이데일리 김소정 기자] Cho Yong-gu, secretary general of the Korean Volleyball Association, said, “Amid the increasing popularity of volleyball, cold water was poured over. I hope to get out of this crisis soon.”

Lee Jae-young and Da-young Lee (Photo = Yonhap News)

Secretary-General Cho said on the 16th at CBS Radio’Kim Hyun-jung’s News Show’, saying, “I have no intention of covering up (the excommunication).”

Heungkuk Life’s sisters Lee Jae-young and Da-young Lee were disciplined with “except for the selection of national representatives indefinitely” because it was judged that it would be difficult to prevent the recurrence of similar cases unless strong measures were taken against the current school violence cases. ”Explained.

Sisters Jae-young Lee and Da-young Lee, who received the appropriate discipline, are also difficult to obtain leadership qualifications in the future. The same is true of the players Song Myung-geun and Shim Gyeong-seop, who were caught in controversy over school violence in the past.

The Volleyball Association plans to launch the Sports Rights and Human Rights Center with this incident as an opportunity to conduct a full investigation of violence damage.

Secretary Jo said, “According to the regulations of our Sports Committee, this is a very strict case of violence. Even in the slightest cases, the competition and qualifications are suspended for more than 1 year and less than 3 years. In serious cases, the competition is suspended for 3 years or more or the qualification is suspended for 3 years or more. Even permanent expulsion is possible.”

Also, on this day, the Volleyball Association and Kobo will hold an emergency meeting to discuss how to manage the players in question.

Meanwhile, on the 15th, the Volleyball Association punished Sister Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young for the indefinite selection of the national team. The association said, “In consideration of the seriousness of the matter, the perpetrators of school violence will be excluded from the selection of national athletes for all future international events such as the 2021 Volleyball Nations League and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in accordance with the national selection and operation regulations.”

Heungkuk Life Insurance also decided to suspend the two players indefinitely. Heungkuk Life Insurance apologized, saying, “The two players will have to do everything they can to heal the victims’ wounds, such as meeting the victims in person and asking for forgiveness, as well as reflecting on cutting bones during their self-sufficiency.”
