Visit Gadeokdo Island in front of the election… 文 anointed in controversy

“The new airport will become a global logistics hub”

Find Busan in a year and give me strength

野 “Explicit election intervention” strong backlash

President Moon Jae-in attends the’Southeastern Megacity Construction Strategy Report’ held in Busan on the 25th, and inspects the planned area of ​​Gadeok Island Airport on board a fishing guidance boat and listens to reports from Busan Mayor Lee Byung-jin.

President Moon Jae-in visited the planned site of Gadeokdo New Airport ahead of the Busan by-election in April, setting fire to the’election intervention’ controversy. The Blue House explained that it was a site visit for the’Korean version of the New Deal’, but the opposition party criticized fiercely, saying that the president even went out to overturn the inferior Busan election. In particular, with government ministries pointing out the legitimacy issue of the “Gadeokdo New Airport Special Act” enforced by the ruling party, some criticize that President Moon’s power to the Gadukdo New Airport was not a “movement beyond the line” as the head of the administration.

President Moon attended the’Southeastern Megacity Construction Strategy Report’ event held on the afternoon of the 25th in Busan’s Gadeokdo Island, and said, “When the new gateway airport is built on Gadeokdo Island, the Sky Road, the sea road, and the land road will meet as one to become a global logistics hub. Revealed. In addition, he added, “As soon as a special law is enacted, we promise to proceed as quickly as possible and provide necessary support.” For the first time since his inauguration, President Moon’s visit to the new airport of Gadeokdo Island was the first time since his inauguration. It is interpreted as a strategy to maximize the publicity effect that the passport has promoted the Gadeokdo New Airport Special Act ahead of the Busan election.

As President Moon promised active support on this day, a significant portion of the budget for the Korean New Deal is expected to be devoted to the’Southeastern Megacity’ strategy based on the construction of the Gadeokdo New Airport. President Moon even made a reprimanded remark to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, who opposes the construction of the new airport on Gadeokdo Island, saying, “Keep a responsible attitude.” The Democratic Party has already pledged to deal with the Gadeokdo New Airport Special Law at the National Assembly plenary session on the 26th.

President Moon’s actions were criticized not only by the people’s power but also by the Justice Party. Ho-young Joo, head of the People’s Power, raised his voice, saying, “No matter who sees, it is the president’s extravagant involvement in elections.” Justice Party chief spokesman Chung Ho-jin also criticized “It is something that the government, born of the candlelight revolution, should not do that the president will stick to the special law of Gaduk Island Airport, which resembles the four major rivers of the Lee Myung-bak administration.”

/ Reporter Yoon Hong-woo [email protected], reporter Kim Hye-rin [email protected]

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