‘Violation of quarantine rules’ Yunho Yunho, controversy about sending dogs this time

[매일경제 스타투데이 신영은 기자]

Group TVXQ’s Yuno Yunho (real name Jung Yunho, 35) was controversial over illegal entertainment bars following a case of violating the quarantine rules, and was suspicious of dispatching dogs.

On the 12th, an article was posted in the online community saying,’Yunho Yunho sent his puppy to the training center after 1 year of adoption and has not had any news for 12 years.

Yunho Yun-ho mentioned the Siberian Husky adopted in 2008 by Mnet’s’Beatles Code 2’in 2012. Yunho Yunho said, “At first, I was able to handle it.

As it was getting bigger, there were a lot of complaints from all over and I sent them to school. There is something to do in a coach way. It’s been 3 years.”

Tak Jae-hoon laughed, saying, “You abandoned it,” and Yunho Yun-ho denied, saying, “I never abandoned it.” Jang Dong-min wondered, “Now, he almost talks. It is said that he is working at office work. Do you still recognize him as the owner?” Tak Jae-hoon asked, “Is the last thing’animal farm’ after all training?”

Yunho Yunho said, “If you make a sound, you will recognize it.” He promised, “I will live with me in the yard at home.” Yunho Yunho sent a video letter saying, “Typhoon, I’m a father, and I’ll be picking up soon. I still love you.” Tak Jae-hoon once said, “Do you have qualifications? Typhoon-ah, your dad is famous, but don’t think that I abandoned you.”

Netizens raised their voices, saying, “It’s Payang to send it to the training center in one year and not bring it in for 12 years.”

Earlier, G-Dragon and Park Eun-seok were suspicious of sending their dogs. In this regard, attention is being paid to what kind of explanation Yunho Yunho will give.

At the end of last month, Yunho Yun-ho was arrested by the police on charges of staying at a restaurant in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul until midnight past 10pm.

Yunho Yunho said, “I am very sorry to be disappointed to all those who have believed in me and supported me.” I apologized.

Meanwhile, the company that MBC’News Desk’ visited on the 12th was an illegal membership-based entertainment bar, and at the time of detection, the attendees had a fight with the police, and Yunho was shocked by reports that it was confirmed that he tried to escape.

Regarding this, the management company SM Entertainment explained, “It is an obvious mistake that Yunho Yunho did not follow the quarantine rules, and he is deeply reflecting on himself, but he never did anything wrong except violating the quarantine rules.”

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Photo|SM Entertainment

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
