[view] Trump fandom politics tramples American democracy

As supporters of President Donald Trump protest in front of the Capitol in Washington on the 6th (local time), police forces guard the entrance.  Protesters occupied the Capitol for four hours that day, and were then pushed out by the police and the National Guard.  After that, the Senate and House of Representatives confirmed Joe Biden's victory. [로이터=연합뉴스]

As supporters of President Donald Trump protested in front of the Capitol in Washington on the 6th (local time), police forces guard the entrance. Protesters occupied the Capitol for four hours that day, and were then pushed out by the police and the National Guard. After that, the Senate and House of Representatives confirmed Joe Biden’s victory. [로이터=연합뉴스]

US President Donald Trump issued a statement on the 7th and said, “We will leave the White House on January 20th (the inauguration of the US President), and an orderly transfer of power will take place,” reported the Associated Press and CNN Broadcasting. President Trump made this announcement when the US Senate and House of Representatives officially confirmed the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. This is the first time that Trump has announced his intention to take over a peaceful regime after the presidential election on November 3 last year.

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However, Trump’s agitated politics, dissatisfied with the results of the presidential election until the day before and raised a voice to his supporters to go to Parliament, provoked an unprecedented situation in which violent protesters invaded the US Capitol and occupied it for four hours. Trump supporters who believe that Congress, the heart of US power and the hall of democracy representing the people, has been violently’occupied’. Political violence, which was seen only in countries where internal affairs were unstable or dictatorship, took place at the Washington Capitol, the heart of American democracy.

When Trump supporters occupied the Capitol, where the Senate and House joint meetings were held on the 6th, the US media called it a “coup attempt” (Nicholas Christoph New York Times columnist) and “riot” (Jake Tapper, CNN anchor). It was the first time in 207 years after Washington was captured and the White House and the Capitol burned down in 1814, at the time of the ‘1812 War’ (1812-1815) that the United States waged against the British.

On that day, a joint meeting of the House and Senate was held at the Capitol Hill to officially confirm the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. Around 2pm, an hour after the meeting started, protesters outside the Capitol attempted to cross the barricade and enter the interior. The demonstrators pushed back the lacking police force, crossed the wall, opened the door with force or broke the window, and entered the interior of the Capitol. Thousands of people intruded along the road through hundreds of people. Vice President Mike Pence (constitutional senator chairman) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who presided over the meeting, were escorted by the Secret Service and had to leave the hall. The Senate and House plenary chairpersons have been blocked. Trump-style fandom politics provoked tragedy.

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Protesters supporting US President Donald Trump broke into the Washington Capitol on the 6th (local time) and occupied the conference hall.  Due to this, the joint meeting of the House and Senate to confirm the victory of President-elect Joe Biden was suspended for six hours, but it was finally certified in the early morning of the 7th.  The photo shows lawmakers who hurriedly evacuated to the audience seats of the House of Representatives after protesters invaded the main hall of the House of Representatives. [AP=연합뉴스]

Protesters supporting US President Donald Trump broke into the Washington Capitol on the 6th (local time) and occupied the conference hall. Due to this, the joint meeting of the House and Senate to confirm the victory of President-elect Joe Biden was suspended for six hours, but it was finally certified in the early morning of the 7th. The photo shows lawmakers who hurriedly evacuated to the audience seats of the House of Representatives after protesters invaded the main hall of the House of Representatives. [AP=연합뉴스]

U.S.’public power’ was pushed back by violent protesters to evacuate, and congressional staff pulled out boxes of election results from each state. The New York Times said, “I was almost stolen from the’Mob’.”

Protesters walked through Rotunda, a domed building connecting the two buildings, the Senate and the House of Representatives. A while ago, he took over the seat of the Senate, where Vice President Pence was sitting, and put his feet on the desk in the House of Representatives Pelosi to mock public power. Four people died that day. Republican Senator Mitt Romney criticized it as a “rebellion,” saying, “This is what the president triggered today.”

Elect Biden urged “the mob to step back and allow democracy to move forward,” and urged Trump to “go out on national broadcasts now and demand to end this occupation.” Shortly after Biden’s talk came out, President Trump sent a message on Twitter saying, “It’s time to go home.” Even so, he did not bend the claim of manipulation of the election, saying, “We won overwhelming victory, and it was stolen.” After that, Washington DC put in additional public power, including 1,000 National Guards, to drive the protesters out of the Capitol.

This is the third time that protests were held in Washington after the presidential election on November 3 last year. Unlike the protests that were held relatively peacefully in November and December of last year, the language of President Trump’s agitation lies behind this time of violence. At 12 p.m. on the 6th, Trump sent several messages to supporters under the placard saying “March to save the United States”, in fact, encouraging protesters to enter the Capitol. Two hours after Trump’s speech, protesters took over Congress.

Democrats in the United States urged Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment, saying that Trump should be brought down immediately. Article 25 of the Amendment requires the Vice President to act on behalf of the President as the first priority when it is judged that the President is unable to carry out his powers and duties. CNN reported that some Trump Cabinet members and Republicans are also discussing plans to dismiss President Trump through the invocation of the 25th Amendment. The current discussion was also passed on to Congress. Political media The Hill also reported that some officials in the administration have begun discussions to dismiss Trump, and that officials are exchanging phone calls and messages regarding emergency measures.

In an interview with JoongAng Ilbo, Stephen Schmidt (political science) professor at Iowa State University told JoongAng Ilbo that “Trump supporters think it will continue to be a big problem, but paradoxically, today’s Trumpism is largely lost.” “Democracy was under unprecedented attack on the day,” said Biden, and emphasized that “instead of promoting hatred and confusion, we must revive politics to solve the problem,” the US public radio NPR reported.

The Wall Street Journal’s Washington Bureau editor-in-chief Gerald Seif said in the column that it was “a day that shook two parties and one country.” “If Trump persuaded his supporters, the Republican Party could be seen as a political party of law and order as usual, but this situation has turned away from that image,” he pointed out that words and actions in Trump-style politics do not match. In an editorial, The New York Times emphasized that “Trump instigated violence against his supporters,” and that “it must pay a price.”

In-Taek Chae International Diplomatic and Security Editor
Washington = Correspondent Park Hyun-young [email protected]
