[view] Lies after noticing power… Chief Justice of the Republic of Korea, that terrible level

When Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo (left) goes to the Supreme Court in Seocho-dong, Seoul on the morning of the 4th, when a reporter approaches and tries to ask questions, security guards are holding back.  Prior to this, a transcript of the dialogue was released on this day, in which Supreme Court Chief Kim mentioned the acceptance of resignation and impeachment in an interview with Senior Judge Im Seong-geun in May last year. [뉴시스]

When Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo (left) goes to the Supreme Court in Seocho-dong, Seoul on the morning of the 4th, when a reporter approaches and tries to ask questions, security guards are holding back. Prior to this, a transcript of the dialogue was released on this day, in which Supreme Court Chief Kim mentioned the acceptance of resignation and impeachment in an interview with Senior Judge Im Seong-geun in May last year. [뉴시스]

The judiciary is the’worst crisis’. The worst reason is that the crisis is originating both outside and inside the courthouse. The fatal injuries suffered by the courts were not limited to being the first in the history of a constitution, and impeachment proceedings were made against judges. When a high-ranking judge, who was the subject of impeachment prosecution, released a recorded file of an interview with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice’s’explaining of falsehood’ was exposed. What a close drama is this?

“If the resignation is accepted, the National Assembly cannot be impeached.”
The transcript reveals power notice
A last-minute drama with false clarifications
The ruling party passes Im Seong-geun impeachment bill

On the 4th, the National Assembly handed over the impeachment prosecution against the Busan High Court Chief Judge Im Seong-geun to the Constitutional Court with the approval of a majority (179 members) of the Busan High Court. The reason for the impeachment prosecution is that Judge Im intervened in the trial of the head of the Sankei Shimbun Seoul, Japan, who was charged with defamation by reporting President Park Geun-hye’s’scandalism’ on the day of the sinking of the Sewol ferry.

However, what shook the court’s status even more was the’recorded file of Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo’ that erupted ahead of the plenary vote. Earlier, in May of last year, a “truth battle” between the two sides was conducted over whether Supreme Court Chief Kim rejected Judge Im’s resignation on the grounds of discussing impeachment of the National Assembly. Then, on the morning of the 4th, Judge Lim released a recorded file of the interview with Chief Justice Kim through a lawyer.

“If you look closely at the current situation and talk more openly, we are installing something like that for impeachment, but if I resigned, what would the National Assembly hear?”

Only after his remarks were made public, the Supreme Court Chief Kim admitted that his clarification that he had never made any mention of impeachment was different from the facts. “I apologize for answering differently, depending on an obscure memory nine months ago.” Is it a matter of memory? Isn’t the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court lied before the people, who should ask the judges to be judged independently according to their conscience according to the Constitution and the law” (Article 103 of the Constitution).

The remarks contained in the recorded files are beyond imagination. “Now, submitting the resignation acceptance, aside from such legal matters, I have to think about it as there are many influences. Among them, we have to look at the political situation.” Immediately after the ruling party won overwhelming victory in the April 15 general election last year, it seems to be weighing the’multiple influences’ and the’political situation’. As the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in charge of the judiciary, he has abandoned his responsibilities.

Is that all it? The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court showed a negative position on the impeachment itself, but said, “If you just fix it today, you can’t talk about impeachment. It’s not very appropriate to be accused of that.”

He seems to pay more attention to the legislature, especially the passport, than to think about the legal principles. Low-level utterances are shaking up trust in the Supreme Court himself as well as in the judiciary.

Lim Seong-geun, Supreme Court Chief, recorded the conversation and revealed the date of his impeachment vote

It cannot be said that it is appropriate for Judge Lim to disclose the recorded file. While having a conversation with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, recording the content and revealing it before a vote on the impeachment bill against him is a legitimate act as a judge? It is the authority of courts and judges that judges civil liberty and property in a single piece of paper. If the judges behave like those who play despots in the streets, who will win the judgment?

Nevertheless, in the midst of this situation is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. After taking office, Chief Justice Kim did not take responsibility for the allegations of abuse of the judicial administration authority during the time of the inauguration of Chief Justice Yang Seung-tae. As a result, the court missed the opportunity to resolve the problem first, and had to leave it entirely to the rough hand of’prosecution investigation’.

“I will show you the level of a person who has only tried and tried with the person in court for 31 years.” Chief Justice Kim made a pledge in front of reporters after being nominated as a candidate for Chief Justice in August 2017. What the people are seeing now is the level of the Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Judge, who, unfortunately, had trials for 30 years. Citizens who heard the recordings they spoke and released are asking. Why is the Korean judiciary only at this level? How can we believe in such a court and entrust our life and death trial? This is a question that the Chief Justice and judges should answer without stepping out of the way.

Kwon Seok-cheon, JoongAng Ilbo columnist [email protected]
