Video star Na Sang-do and Young-tak’s 17-year-old relationship show similar style

Video Star (Photo = Broadcast Capture)

Video Star (Photo = Broadcast Capture)

Na Sang-do, a’beep-duk singer’, showed off her versatile talent, including singing and talking.

Trot singer Na Sang-do appeared on MBC Every1’s’Video Star’ broadcast on the 9th. Na Sang-do, Seol-un-do, Jinseong, Shin-yu, and Kim Gyeong-min participated in this day’s broadcast, which was decorated with the Lunar New Year special’Cha Cha Cha Together at Bis Station’.

Na Sang-do, who revealed that he wanted to receive the song from Seol Woon-do, took on a stage to win the heart of Seol Woon-do with Kim Kyung-min. Na Sang-do sang’Love Twist’ and exploded her hidden dance skills. Na Sang-do, who received a hot response from all the cast members with his relaxed stage manners, received the promise of a new song by winning the heart of Seol Undo.

Na Sang-do appeared in the recently ended SBS’Trotshin Outing 2-Last Chance’ and took second place. Park Na-rae conveyed congratulations and asked, “What is the reaction around you?” “In my hometown, my father said that I was a hero. He said that all of my placards were hung all over Namhae,” and said, “You love it so much.”

Seolundo said, “I and Jinseong did the screening, but to convey the enthusiasm at the time, the interest in Na Sangdo was very high. I thought that if you were ten, everyone would win. He said that he was only runner-up, but he gained more attention than winning and gained great popularity.” In response, Jinseong said, “There was no ups and downs” to Na Sangdo, and “I was always in a position to praise that a large beam appeared in the music industry.”

In addition, Na Sang-do drew attention by revealing his extraordinary career with his outstanding trot singing skills. Na Sang-do said, “If you look at company T’s karaoke machines, there is a new song practice. They sing like a guide, but I’ve been singing that song for about 10 years. Almost all men’s trot songs are my voice.”

“I got bothered later. At that time, when an acquaintance I knew told Young Tak to do it, he said that I would try hard again.”

In particular, the Young-Tak Department was known for its 17-year period and drew attention. Na Sang-do sang a line of Young Tak’s hit song’A Glass of Makgeolli,’ saying, “I think Young-tak has similar styles to his brother.” After hearing this, Seol Woon-do said, “Young-tak is better,” and made a laugh.

On the other hand, Na Sang-do released’Because I Lived’ on the 4th and is actively engaged in activities.

Kim Na-kyung, Entertainment and Issue Team Reporter
Article reports and press releases [email protected]

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