Asked to “stop reckless accusations”… In the future, we will do civic activities to eradicate violence in the sports world.
The lawyer also said, “There was no compensation.

The victim (right), who exposed to an active professional baseball player that he was violated in middle school, is holding a press conference in a meeting space in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the 15th. On the left is a legal representative. Newsis
The victim, who revealed that he had suffered school violence in the past by an active professional baseball player in the metropolitan area, said that he received an apology and forgive. Following a complete reconciliation, the two announced that they decided to join in civic activities to eradicate violence in the sports world.
The victim held a press conference in a meeting space in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 15th, and said, “The previous day, Player A sincerely apologized to me and accepted it.” At the same time, he declared that he would not reveal the name of player A as well as his club.
The victim, who revealed himself as a junior to player A’s junior high school, previously revealed that he quit baseball after being bullied by player A at a prestigious baseball middle school in Gwangju, including water torture and threats of weapons. Nevertheless, A player volunteered to hold a press conference on the day when he revealed his position to the effect that he could not remember him.
The victim also explained, “Because the first player A said he couldn’t remember at all, I tried to revive his memory through this press conference. However, player A came and acknowledged some of my arguments yesterday.” He said that he confirmed the differences in memories for the rest.
He added, “Player A said he was sorry he couldn’t remember as much as I remember,” he added. “I saw him crying in front of me and asking for forgiveness.”
In addition, he said, “(I) I also became a fan and decided to support Player A,” he said. “Many people sympathized and angered me, but now I hope you will subside your anger and stop reckless accusations against players.
Furthermore, he added, “The reason why I held a press conference is because I hope that no victims of abuse will ever occur in this land again.” It came from the desire that no life would happen,” he added.
In addition, he stressed, “I promised to take the lead in eradicating school abuse with Player A with this incident.”
He continued, “The trauma of a hakpok as a child destroys the dream of a’dream tree’ and turns the world on its back by giving it a negative sense of value.”
Again, he hoped, “The abusers must realize their faults and correct them even now,” and “I hope this will contribute to the eradication of harassment.”
The victim’s legal representative who attended this event explained that “we agreed with the other party without receiving any compensation from Player A.”
Reporter Yoon Jong Han [email protected]
[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]