Victim Park Won-soon, “Park Young-sun, the former lawmaker, who complained of apology”

On the morning of the 17th, at a press conference held at a hotel in Myeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, the late Park Won-soon victim of the sexual violence incident was prepared at a press conference.  Photo co-recruitment group

On the morning of the 17th, at a press conference held at a hotel in Myeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, the late Park Won-soon victim of the sexual violence incident was prepared at a press conference. Photo co-recruitment group

The late Park Won-soon, former Seoul Mayor’s sexual violence victim, said, “Before making an apology, there must be acknowledgment of the facts and follow-up measures.”

Victim A said at a press conference held by the’people who speak with the victims of the mayor of the Seoul Mayor’s violent sexual assault’, saying, “The name of the victim, which has made it far from acknowledging the fact, and the case distortion, revision of the party constitution, and tolerating the severe secondary abuse “It was wrong from the beginning,” he said. “I am cautious about expressing my opinions during the election period and because of my status, but I think this election is also wrong from the beginning.”

Mr. A said, “The Democratic Party tried to reduce and conceal the facts of the victims under the name of the victims, and eventually voted for the Mayor of Seoul with a vote of 23%. “I pointed out.

At the same time, Mr. A said, “Park Young-seon, the lawmakers who named him as the victim, must be bitterly punished for apologizing to me directly. In addition, he stressed that there should be disciplinary action at the party level against one lawmaker because he is the victim.

In particular, Mr. A demanded the resignation of Rep. Nam In-soon and said, “My wounds and social losses caused by Rep. Nam are irrecoverable. You must be politically responsible.”

The opposition parties, including Ahn Cheol-soo, president of the National Assembly Party, who participated in the Seoul Mayor’s by-election as candidates, are criticizing the Democratic Party lawmakers Nam In-soon, Jin Sun-mi, and Ko Kom-jung who are in the Park Young-seon candidate camp as’three victims’. In Candidate Park’s camp, Rep. Nam In-soon and Jin Seon-mi serve as the heads of the Joint Seondae Headquarters, and Rep. Kohn Jung-jung serves as the spokesperson.

At the time of the incident, Rep. Nam is known to have proactively proposed to call the victim as a’victim complainant’ in a group chat room of the Democratic Party’s women’s lawmakers. Rep. Nam was silent at the time of the victim’s disclosure, but later apologized in January this year. He said, “The political power has created misunderstandings and distrust that seem to deny the victims’ damage,” he said. “My short thoughts have hurt the victims even more.”

Mr. A’s remarks on this day also seem to refer to the three members of the Democratic Party.

Reporter Lee Ji-young [email protected]
