Vibe’s “The follow-up press release of the’GR’ stocking up provides an opportunity to correct false information.”[전문]


[스포츠서울 홍승한기자]Singer Vibe’s agency, Major Nine, announced a later report on SBS’s’I want to know’ music source stocking.

On the 3rd, Major Nine said, “I was informed of the follow-up report on the hoarding of’I want to know’ that was broadcast on January 4, 2020.” “I want to know that,” he said, “I would like to thank the production crew for providing an opportunity to correct false information even now.”

On November 24, 2019, group Block B Park Kyung posted a public sniper post containing the real names of singers who were suspicious of manipulating music charts on her SNS, and the suspicion of sound source hoarding rose to the surface again. The fabricated world-is it hoarding? Is it viral marketing?’ At the time, the suspicious artist side expressed regret, claiming that the broadcast of’I want to know it’ was one-sided.

In particular, Park Kyung-eun received a summary order of 5 million won in fines for a child who was briefly prosecuted for violating the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection on the 11th of this month. The side announced it through an early press release.

Major Nine said, “For about a year after the first broadcast, we have tried to clarify that the false frame is not true, and to correct the false frames and lies that were written on our artists. And to prove that this is not applicable, all possible civil and criminal legal actions, including requests for investigations through investigation agencies, requests for cooperation in investigations from music sites and related organizations, have been continued,” he said.

[email protected]

Major Nine official position

Hello, this is Major Nine.

First of all, thank you again to the many people who always cherish and support our Viiv and our artists.

January 2 Through the broadcast, we received a follow-up report on the broadcast content that was broadcast on January 4, 2020.

For over a year after the first broadcast, Major Nine has been trying to clarify that the false accusation is not true, and to correct the false facts and falsehoods of’Holy Jaegi’ written on the affiliated artists to the end.

In order to prove that the allegations raised through the broadcast are not applicable with us, we continue to take all possible civil and criminal legal actions, including requests for investigations through investigation agencies and requests for cooperation in investigations by music sites and related organizations.

He made a difficult final decision on a follow-up report on the part of the news that was broadcasted late, and provided an opportunity to correct false information even now. Thank you to the production crew.

this time I sincerely hope that the follow-up report of’False’ will serve as an opportunity for a fair judgment that does not inflate suspicions as if false facts are true, and that other singers who will live their lives by looking at music alone will not be stigmatized as speculative victims.

In addition, I hope that 2021 will be a day when we can enjoy music and stage with happiness and joy that have been delayed for a while.

We, Major Nine, will continue to do our best with Viiv and the management of the artist affiliated with it.
