‘Very unfortunate mistake’, editor-in-chief of journal published by Ramsayer’s thesis on’Kanto Korean massacre distortion’

“Thesis will be revised significantly”

Mark Ramsay, Professor of Law School at Harvard University, USA./Yonhap News

Media reports that Mark Ramsayer, a law school professor at Harvard University in the United States, who claimed the victims of Japanese military comfort women as “prostitutes,” will revise a thesis that distorted the massacre of Koreans in the Great Kanto Earthquake.

The paper “Vigilante: Japanese Police, Korean Massacre and Private Security Company” published in June 2019 by Professor Ramsey will be published in an academic journal (handbook) published by the University of Cambridge in the UK on the subject of “privatization” in August this year.

Recently, a local media reported that Alon Harrell, a law school professor at Hebrew University of Israel, who served as co-editor of the privatization handbook, acknowledged Professor Ramsey’s thesis as a “very regrettable mistake.”

Professor Harrell said that Ramsey deleted the paper from SSRN, the pre-dissertation site, and “there will not be the original text,” in a handbook printed half a year later. The editorial staff delivered very specific and critical comments to Professor Ramsey, and Professor Ramsey is known to have indicated that he would “significantly” revise the paper accordingly. The request for correction included claims that the Koreans exhibited a violent tendency during the Great Kanto Earthquake, and Professor Ramsey said, “This is only a rumor from Japanese sources.”

Professor Ramzier’s thesis contained a compelling argument to the effect that the Japanese responded because it is true that Koreans died by Japanese vigilantes during the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, but because Koreans committed arson and other crimes.

Prof. Ramzier presented demographic statistics that the proportion of Koreans in Japan was much higher, and among them, there were many young men. He unfolded his mysterious logic and climbed onto the cutting board.

/ Reporter Park Woo-in [email protected]

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