Venture business, total sales of 193 trillion won… ranked second in the financial world

Photo = Park Yong-soon, Venture Innovation Policy Officer of the Ministry of Small and Medium Business.
Photo = Park Yong-soon, Venture Innovation Policy Officer of the Ministry of Small and Medium Business.

(Reporter Jinhwa Lee) The Ministry of SMEs and Startups announced the results of the ‘2020 Venture Business Precision Survey’ held at the Seoul Government Complex on the 30th, saying, “As of the end of 2019, the total number of employees of venture companies is 84,000, and an average of 22.0 people per company. As a result, venture companies created 117,000 new jobs in one year in 2019, which is 5.6 times more than 21,000 new hires in the four major groups in the same period. did.

The Ministry of SMEs and I mentioned that, “As of 2019, the total sales of venture companies was 193 trillion won, ranking second in the business world. Last year, sales of large corporations were △Samsung Group 254 trillion won △Hyundai Motor Group 179 trillion won △SK Group 161 trillion won.” .

The Ministry of SMEs said, “The average sales of venture companies fell 0.47% year-on-year, but considering the decrease in Korea’s economic growth rate last year (-0.9%) and the average sales of large companies (-7.2%). Employment (based on regular workers) was 804,000, which was 136,000 more than 668,000 employed in Korea’s four major groups. An average of 22 employees per company, an increase of 15.8% from the previous year.

The Ministry of SMEs also said, “Venture companies created 117,000 new jobs in one year, which is 5.6 times more than 21,000 new hires in the four major groups during the same period.” “The proportion of regular workers in venture companies increased by 3.1 percentage points. It seems to have contributed to the quality and stabilization of employment,” he said.

The Ministry of SMEs said, “The number of non-regular workers per company averaged 0.2, down from 0.8 compared to the previous year,” and said, “The number of domestic industrial property rights held by venture companies was 273,725, accounting for 53.6% of the total domestic industrial property rights.”

Meanwhile, Park Yong-soon, director of venture and innovation policy at the Ministry of SMEs, said, “As a result of this fact-finding survey, we once again confirmed that venture companies are the leading economic players in Korea in various aspects such as creation of new jobs, job stability, and sales, and they are leading innovative growth through continuous research and development.” “In particular, in February next year, a new private-led venture confirmation system will be implemented, and a private venture confirmation institution will select venture companies with technological innovation and market growth potential.”

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