Vank protests Harvard professor’s thesis on’comfort women’

International petition posted on'Change Dot Oarji'

picture explanationInternational petition posted on’Change Dot Oarji’

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Vank, a cyber diplomatic mission, announced on the 8th that it sent a complaint email asking Mark Ramseyer, a professor at Harvard Law School who wrote a thesis titled “Comfort Women,” and editors of international journals who are planning to publish the paper, to withdraw the paper.

Along with a letter written by more than 100 VANK members, a list of 3,700 petitioners from each country who participated in the petition for withdrawal that VANK posted on the world’s largest petition site’Change.

A letter of protest was also sent to the dean and president of Harvard Law School, demanding the withdrawal of the thesis and condemnation at the university level.

Prof. Ramsey will publish a paper next month in the international journal’International Review of Row and Economics’ entitled’Contracting for sex in the Pacific War’. In addition to the claim that “comfort women are prostitutes,” “comfort women are the responsibility of recruiters, not the Japanese government or the Japanese military,” and “comfort women made a lot of money,” making the same claims as the Japanese right-wing forces.

Vank protests against Harvard professor thesis'Comfort Women's Prostitutes'

picture explanationVank protests against Harvard professor thesis’Comfort Women’s Prostitutes’

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He is a seat professor who is supported by the Japanese war criminal company Mitsubishi, and has been awarded the “Wook Il Heavy Chief” from the Japanese government.

Vank has created a digital poster that depicts Professor Ramsey sitting in a chair next to the Peace Girl statue, which symbolizes the comfort women of the Japanese military, and is distributing it to each country through the Social Network Service (SNS). The poster asks, “Mr. Ramsey, are you a professor at the Japanese Empire 100 years ago? Are you a professor at Harvard Law School in the 21st century?”


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