Vail Real Madrid declares return

Bale declares Real Madrid'return'

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] Gareth Bale reveals his future.

Gareth Bale was called to the Wales national team ahead of the upcoming 2022 Qatar World Cup Europe Qualifier on the 24th (Korean time) and had an interview with Sky Sports.

Bale was asked here about his progress after Euro 2020, which is coming in the summer. He said,’I came to Tottenham Hotspur because I wanted to play soccer first. Above all, I wanted to make a body suitable for playing games for the Euro.

“My original plan was to play one season at Tottenham and then return to Real Madrid for the rest of the season after the Euro tournament,” he said.

Bale, who has been on loan from Real Madrid to Tottenham this season for one season, is preparing to return to Real Madrid again as the season is approaching the end of the season.

The upcoming Euro 2020 is also an important tournament for Bale. For Bale, winning the Euro, a major tournament, is a tournament that will give you a point in your national career.

In the last two seasons, Bale has caused a lot of discord at Real. In the 2018/19 season, Bale tried to transfer to the summer transfer market, but was frustrated, and after that, he suffered a lot of criticism due to poor performance and frequent injuries.

In addition, in the 2019/20 season, it seemed to be connected to the Chinese super league Jiangsu Suning in the summer transfer market, but even this was frustrated, and Bale even had a discord with Zinedine Zidane.

At the last minute of the league, Bale tried to sleep on the bench with a mask as an eye patch, and showed up at the Ligueus awards ceremony, and seemed to be excited about Real. In addition, in Real, he showed an unfaithful attitude, while in the Wales national team, he showed a focus on soccer.

After the season, Bale was connected to Tottenham, and Real sent a loan to Tottenham under Zidane on the condition that Bale, a non-electrical resource, was subsidized by only 60% of the weekly wage.

At the point where the following season is running toward the end, Bale declares that he will spend the rest of the season at Real again after the Euro, and it is noteworthy how the Real club and manager Zidane will react.

Meanwhile, the Wales national team will play an away match from Belgium in the first leg of the World Cup group stage on the 25th.

[email protected] / Photo = AP/Yonhap News

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