“Vaccination history proof with blockchain DID”…Mediblock, launched in April

MediBloc Vaccine Pass
MediBloc Vaccine Pass

MediBloc, a healthcare blockchain company (co-representatives Woo-Gyun Go and Eun-Sol Lee) It announced on the 18th that it will release a vaccine pass service that can prove the vaccination history through blockchain distributed identification (DID) technology.

MediBloc secures completeness through a test period first for corona19 confirmed patients treatment hospital medical staff, senior hospitals, and general hospital level medical institutions, who are the first candidates for vaccination, and then vaccines through the company’s simple insurance claim service MediPass as early as April. It plans to officially launch the pass service.

According to MediBloc, the vaccination history can be verified by using Panacea, a blockchain of MediBloc equipped with the DID function. Vaccination certificates signed with DIDs given to information providing organizations, including linked medical institutions, are stored on the patient’s mobile and can be shared externally only if the patient wants, eliminating the fear of unauthorized use of data. Subsequently, other organizations or individuals with shared vaccination history can easily determine whether the history has been forged or altered using DID.

MediBloc expects the convenience of the people to improve as it will be possible to easily prove vaccination through the’Vaccine Pass’ service.

The government aims to get the first corona19 vaccination within this year for more than 70% of the entire population. Therefore, accurate vaccination history verification is expected to play a very important role in establishing a collective immune system along with overseas travel and economic revitalization.

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MediBloc’s DID follows international standards and is also officially registered with the standardization organization, W3C.

Gowoogyun MediBloc The co-representative said, “In the case of certificates issued on paper, there is a high risk of forgery and falsification, and there was not only the inconvenience of carrying, but we were able to cover only face-to-face situations.” It is expected that it will be of great help in practical use as it can prove the vaccination history and at the same time safely use it even in non-face-to-face situations.” said.
