“Vaccination for all senior citizens”… Too hard to save the Tokyo Olympics

Several methods have already begun to be discussed to prevent the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics scheduled for July. The IOC of the International Olympic Committee is reported to be reviewing vaccinations for all athletes, and there are opinions within the Japanese government to hold the Olympics without spectators, that is, without spectators.

This is Yoo Seong-jae from Tokyo.


Yamashita, chairman of the Japan Olympic Committee, who attended a video conference of the International Olympic Committee’s IOC convened last night (22nd), said the IOC plans to announce specific anti-corona measures for the Tokyo Olympics next month.

The British Telegraph said the key to this measure was to vaccinate all Olympic athletes with the corona vaccine.

IOC Chairman Bach also announced a video message and stepped forward to suture the cancellation.

[바흐/국제올림픽위원회 위원장 : 안전하고 안심할 수 있는 올림픽 개최가 최우선입니다. 이를 위해서는 못할 일이 없습니다.]

But even within Japan, opinions that weighed on the cancellation of the Olympics continue to emerge.

In particular, there is a great concern from medical staff who have to respond to the infection of more than 10,000 athletes entering the country when the Olympics are held.

[나카가와/일본의사회장 : 선수단 만으로도 엄청난 숫자입니다. 지금 의료 현실에서 이들을 받을 수 있냐고 묻는다면, 불가능하다고 생각합니다.]

For this reason, there have also been reports that an unattended plan is rapidly rising within the government in order to minimize the risk of spreading infection and avoid the worst case of cancellation.

Even if the Japanese government endured economic losses of more than 25 trillion won and decided to hold an unattended audience, there is a possibility that influential foreign athletes, like last year, would declare absence from the Olympics because of concerns about infection.

(Video coverage: Moon Hyun-jin, video editing: Lee Seung-yeol)
