US Treasury Minister-nominated “A plan to encourage the use of cryptocurrency and legal use must be devised”

[미 재무장관 지명자 “암호화폐, 합법 활용 장려 방안 강구해야”]

According to CoinDesk, a media specializing in cryptocurrency, the former Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen, who was appointed as Treasury Secretary of the administration of Joe Biden, said, “The use of cryptocurrencies for legal activities while preventing them from being used for malicious or illegal activities. “You have to look closely at ways to encourage them.” In this regard, he said, “Cryptocurrency may be a financing terrorist and other illegal activity, but conversely, there is also the potential to improve the efficiency of the financial system. Technology innovation such as cryptocurrency and implementing an effective regulatory framework for fintech technologies,” “We will work with the Federal Reserve Board and other federal banks and regulators to do so.”

[서클 CEO “美 재무장관 지명자 발언에 시장 과잉 반응”]

“The cryptocurrency market is overreacting to the remarks of US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen,” said Jeremy Allaire, CEO of stablecoin USDC issuer Circle, on Twitter. In this regard, he added, “In fact, Janet Yellen’s remarks are consistent with the direction that the US Treasury Department continues to apply new policies to cryptocurrencies since 2013. The market is overreacting and is triggering bull market selling.” Earlier on the 21st, US Treasury Minister Janet Yellen said, “Virtual currency is mainly used for illegal transactions, and its use needs to be restricted.”

[JP모건 “포트폴리오 2% 암호화폐 투자 ‘추천’”]

According to You2day, JPMorgan Chase said in a report on the 21st (local time) that “if you invest about 2% of your assets in cryptocurrency, you can make your portfolio more’effective’.” Next, JPMorgan presented three reasons for holding cryptocurrency.

1) Overvalued stock market

2) US Treasury Bonds Difficult to Be a Good Hedging Tool

3) Unpredictable market shock such as soaring inflation

[트라이엄프엑스, 대원미디어와 ‘무직타이거’ IP 라이센스 협약]

TriumphX, a cross-chain-based decentralized NFT platform developer, has signed an agreement with Daewon Media, a cultural and content company, for character intellectual property rights (IP) applied to NFT cards. Triumph X plans to first contract the character IP of’Muzik Tiger’ owned by Daewon Media and apply it to the NFT card, which is scheduled to be issued by itself. ‘Muzik Tiger’ is a character branded by an automobile exterior designer who is active at Hyundai Motors with the desire for economically free’jobless’, and aroused a great sympathy among domestic office workers. Meanwhile, Triumph X plans to expand its character NFT global business by sequentially proceeding with IP license agreements for popular characters from each country.

[리서치 “암호화폐 ETP 운용자산, 1개월 사이 95% 증가”]

According to Cryptocurrency Media Decrypt, cryptocurrency market data analysis firm CryptoCompare reported in a recent report, “The amount of assets managed by Cryptocurrency Listed Indices (ETPs) recorded 35.96 billion dollars. This is last year 12 It has increased by 95% since May. In this regard, CryptoCompare explained, “The cryptocurrency ETP industry is rapidly growing. ETP products can solve the problem of complicated storage of bitcoins. In addition, since it is possible to trade on existing stock exchanges, the entry barrier for investors is low.” .

[로이터 “차기 CFTC 위원장 후보, 크리스 브루머 유력”]

Reuters reported that, citing industry officials, Chris Brummer, a law professor at Georgetown University and former CFTC nominee, is being nominated for the next chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). It is reported that Chris Bloomer, like former CFTC chairman Garry Gensler, has a wealth of cryptocurrency knowledge. He was nominated as a member of the CFTC at the time of the Obama administration in 2016. Meanwhile, on the 21st (local time), CFTC announced that its chairman Heath Tarbert had resigned.

[코인니스 제공]

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