US stock market’wiggles’ in game stop aftereffects… What is the domestic impact?

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The Dow Index of 30,000 in the New York Stock Exchange collapsed under the influence of the’game stop’ incident between US private investors and hedge funds over short selling.

The KOSPI index, which had soared in a short period of time, also fell below the 3,000 mark on foreigners’ sell-offs. What about the impact on our stock market?

This is reporter Lee Yoo-kyung.

◀ Report ▶

Gamestop stock prices are plunging and soaring as short-selling hedge funds that expected the stock price to fall and individual US investors who bought stocks in opposition to it.

This year alone, when it surged by 1600%, causing a big loss, a famous short-selling investor raised a white flag saying that he would no longer publish a related report.

However, analysts say that hedge funds have to sell other stocks to raise cash, and that such a rapid change in market market increases instability in the stock market, which is bad for the overall stock market.

[제임스 앤젤/미 조지타운대 교수]

“The uptrend in stock prices has exceeded a reasonable level. This is not good for anyone.”

Our KOSPI index also declined for four days in a row, and finally paid 3,000 in 17 days.

Amid the gap between the real economy and the stock market, the biggest reason is that the KOSPI, which surged in a short period of time, went into correction, but some analysts say that concerns about the volatility of the US stock market have also increased to foreign investors seeking to realize profits.

[서상영/키움증권 투자전략팀장]

“As foreigners continue to sell products, the market volatility increases due to such factors as game stops, so the investment sentiment itself has to shrink…”

As the stock market surges based on liquidity, experts warned that if volatility increases, so-called “debt investment” should be paid attention.

This is Yookyung Lee of MBC News.

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