US Senate budget resolution passed… 2,100 trillion won stimulus package is supported

50-50 Dong Ryul-seo Vice President Harris Casting Boat Event

After the budget adjustment procedure, the Democratic Party can handle it alone.

U.S. President Joe Biden is meeting with Democratic Senators, including House Representative Chuck Schumer, in the White House’s office to discuss stimulus plans for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) on the 3rd (local time). President Biden asked for cooperation in handling the budget bill of 1.9 trillion dollars (2,100 trillion won). /AP Yonhap News

The US Senate passed a budget resolution on the morning of the 5th (local time). Accordingly, U.S. President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion (about 2,100 trillion won) stimulus plan, which was prepared to overcome the economic downturn caused by the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), could be promoted by the Democratic Party alone without support from the Republican Party.

Reuters reported that the budget resolution was passed with 51 votes in favor and 50 votes against the Senate plenary in the morning. Both parties held discussions and votes for amendments for about 15 hours from the previous day, but 50 votes each came out depending on the topography of the Senate. After taking office, Vice President Kamala Harris of the Democratic Party, the ex officio Senate chairman, held the first casting boat.

Accordingly, the Democratic Party will be able to vote and pass the stimulus bill through the budget adjustment process. US media forecasts that it will be after the end of February after the impeachment hearing for former President Donald Trump has ended.

President Biden presented this stimulus plan to Congress when he took office, but the Republican Party has strongly resisted due to concerns such as increased debt. In particular, the content of paying 1,400 dollars (about 1.57 million won) in cash per person to citizens with an annual income of 75,000 dollars (about 84 million won, 150,000 dollars for a couple) became an issue.

Some Republican senators met with President Biden on the 1st to come up with an amendment of $600 billion, which is about a third, but could not reach an agreement. The Democratic Party has revealed that it is pushing for the passage of the stimulus plan alone by mobilizing the right to adjust the budget, which requires only a simple majority vote to pass the bill.

/ Reporter Noh Hee-young [email protected]

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