US Securities Authority “Protect Individual Investors” Over Game Stop Trading Restriction

Following the New York Prosecutor’s Office, the SEC began checking Robin Hood’s trade restrictions… Gamestop stock prices surge again

Gamestop logo and Robin Hood logo
Gamestop logo and Robin Hood logo


(New York = Yonhap News) Correspondent Kang Gun-taek = In the United States, the game stop situation, called the’ant (individual investor) rebellion’, is facing a new phase.

In a battle between individual investors and short selling forces, stock exchangers that have partially restricted the transactions of individual investors are sparking fire.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the U.S. securities supervisory authority, announced on the 29th (local time) that it would check against excessive restrictions on the trading of certain stocks.

According to Reuters and CNBC Broadcasting, the SEC will “look closely at the actions of regulated institutions that may have penalized investors or overly restrained the ability to trade certain stocks.”

This seems to be a reference aimed at limiting stock trading in GameStop, AMC Entertainment, and Blackberry the previous day by some companies, such as Robin Hood, a free stock exchange app.

In the US politics, as well as individual investors, hedge funds were criticized for being unfair to prevent ants from buying and allowing them to sell only in a situation where they can freely trade the stock.

Robin Hood resumed trading in stocks such as GameStop with a white flag in a day, but after the investigation by New York State Attorney General and Attorney General Rutisha James, the SEC also revealed plans to inspect it, which made it even more difficult.

In a statement that day, the SEC said, “We will protect individual investors if it is revealed that counterfeiting transactions prohibited by the Federal Securities Act are revealed. We are working with relevant organizations to detect errors and ensure that regulated institutions comply with their investor protection obligations.” Said.

Earlier, Senator Elizabeth Warren (Democratic Massachusetts), who was called’the grim reaper of Wall Street’, appeared on CNBC the day before and said, “I want an SEC that has clear regulations on market manipulation and is willing to enforce it.” Only when the market is healthy. That’s the SEC”.

As the trading restrictions were lifted, the stock price of GameStop, which plunged 44% the day before, soared more than twice as much during the day and turned to a surge again. As of 10:45 am, it is recording an increase rate of around 70%.

In recent years, individual investors in the United States revolted against some hedge funds targeting GameStop as a short selling target, and they united around the online community Reddit’s discussion forum’Wall Streetbets’, intensively buying the company’s stock, soaring the stock price by more than 1700% .

As a result, hedge funds surrendered with tremendous losses and declared abandonment of short selling of stocks such as GameStop.

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