US Secretary of State “Reconsideration of North Korea Strategy… Focus on nuclear missiles and human rights.”

Input 2021.03.16 18:50

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln announced on the 16th that the US is reviewing its policy toward North Korea, leaving all options open, including means of pressure. Secretary Blincoln also said that North Korea will respond with particular emphasis to North Korea’s nuclear missile development and human rights issues.

US Secretary of State Tony Blingen (left), who visited Japan, is talking with Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi (right) before the start of the 2+2 Security Consultation Committee at Rikura Guesthouse in Tokyo on the 16th. /AP Yonhap News

Minister Blincoln, who is visiting Japan, said at a press conference held at the Ikura mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo, after completing the US-Japan Security Consultative Committee, a meeting of the US-Japan Defense and Foreign Ministers (2+2). “The North Korean strategy is currently being reviewed, including all possible options.”

Minister Blincoln said that he is discussing with think tanks, external experts, and former government officials about how to reduce the risk of North Korea, and has attempted to contact North Korea through multiple channels since mid-last month. However, he added that there has been no response from North Korea so far.

Minister Blincoln explained that “there are several means of pressure or stubborn measures that are all being reviewed,” regarding the administration’s North Korea policy. “We are planning to do this with our allies and partners.” He stressed that “we will take action especially in relation to the nuclear missile program and human rights violations.”

Regarding North Korea’s human rights violations, Minister Blincoln said that he received a letter this morning from a Japanese kidnapping victim by North Korea or his family.
