US Secretary of State “Navalni’s prison sentence is deeply concerned…to be released without conditions” | Voice of America

The United States and the European Union expressed concern that Russian courts sentenced opposition leader Alexei Navalni to prison yesterday (2nd) and urged immediate release.

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln said in a statement that day, “I am deeply concerned about the decision of the Russian authorities to imprison Navalni.” It.

“We will work closely with our allies and partners to hold accountability for Russia’s failure to advocate civil rights while working with Russia to promote the interests of the United States,” Blincoln said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel tweeted, “The ruling against Navalni is far from the rule of law of any kind.”

French President Emmanuel Macron also tweeted for Navalni’s release, saying, “Human rights and democratic freedom are not subject to compromise.”

“The sentence of imprisonment against Alexei Navalni is contrary to Russia’s international commitment to rule of law and fundamental freedoms,” said Josef Borrell, senior EU foreign and security policy representative. Mr. Borrell will visit Moscow from tomorrow at the invitation of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Earlier, a Moscow court in Russia sentenced Navalni to three years and six months in prison for violating conditions of parole.

The Russian human rights watchdog’OVD-Info’ said the police detained more than 900 Navalni supporters who protested near Moscow courts.

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