US Scientists “Come in 2068 with supergiant asteroids that could destroy the Earth”

InsightAsteroid 99942 Apophis / NASA

[인사이트] Reporter Won Hye-jin = It is predicted that the nightmare of the asteroid impact event that destroyed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago could be reproduced.

On the 1st (local time), the space media’Space’ reported that a supergiant asteroid could collide with the Earth in 2068, citing the claims of scientists.

According to reports, the 99942 Apophis, first discovered by NASA in 2004, was classified as a’earth threat asteroid’ with potential to move with Earth.

The asteroid Apopis orbiting the sun is named after the serpent that swallowed the ancient Egyptian sun god Ra.


The diameter is 390m, which is 1.5 times larger than the 274m 63 building. The problem is that this large asteroid is getting closer to Earth and orbiting.

According to current observations, Apophis approaches 31,000 km in front of Earth on April 13, 2029, about nine years later.

It is known to be the closest approach among asteroids of similar size, compared to the 500,000 km NASA’s ultra-close distance.

Moreover, due to the celestial phenomenon called the Yarkovsky effect, it has become difficult to predict the future path. The Yarkovsky effect is a phenomenon in which the surface of an asteroid facing the sun heats up and generates momentum in a similar principle that a ship advances as a reaction to the rowing.

InsightPhoto of the discovery of the asteroid Apophis / UH

In fact, NASA’s observations last year confirmed that Apopis is affected by the orbital path due to the Yarkowsky effect.

In the meantime, scientists have looked at the possibility of Apophis’ Earth collision with a slender look. However, as the Yarkovsky effect is discovered, there is growing concern that a catastrophe could become a reality.

For now, 2068, once again close to Earth, is the most dangerous.

The scientific community is predicting that if Apophis collides with the Earth, it will display 100,000 times the power of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. This is a century enough to make a country disappear without a trace.

InsightEarth Threatened Asteroid Orbit / NASA/JPL

If it falls into the sea, a super-large tsunami occurs, and the coastal cities of the world are covered. The dust from the impact may block the sky and the sun may not hit the ground for a long period of time.

If such a thing becomes a reality, it is expected that human life and property damage will be at a level that humanity has never experienced before.

Currently, the scientific community is preparing the best solution, such as sending a probe to the asteroid, but this has a limitation that it is possible when the Apophis asteroid is close enough to the probe.

Experts point out that global countermeasures should be taken through all predictable simulations.
