US President Joe Biden signs’by American’.. Announcement of transition to US electric vehicles

U.S. President Joe Biden has signed Buy American to prioritize U.S.-made products in the purchase of U.S. federal government goods.

U.S. President Joe Biden is continuing to “clear the traces of former President Trump” by carrying out various activities such as renegotiating the climate in Paris and improving relations with allied nations such as the Republic of Korea.

In the midst of this, when procuring goods by the U.S. federal government, it first used products produced in the U.S., and signed ‘Buy American’, which reflects the ‘will to grow in the durable market’.

The part that predicted the most change through this bi-American is in the public vehicle. Currently, there are about 446,000 public vehicles used in various fields, from general administration to military operations.

In the midst of this, President Joe Biden is planning to convert all convertible and replaceable commercial vehicles into electric vehicles. However, as Buy American was initiated, electric vehicles made in the United States with more than 50% of American-made parts applied will be the first to be purchased.

US President Joe Biden signed by American

As only Tesla, GM and Nissan are manufacturing electric vehicles with factories in the US, only Tesla, GM and Nissan are the only brands that can benefit from Buy American right now.

In the case of Ford, for production efficiency, it is being produced in Mexico, not the United States, but it is known that it is planning to establish an electric vehicle production base in the United States. In addition, Hyundai and Kia Motors also have production facilities in Korea and Europe, and there are no EV production facilities in the US.

US President Joe Biden signed by American

GM, which has been cited as the biggest beneficiary of this bi-American, immediately announced that “Joe Biden’s bi-American signature is a very encouraging promise,” and that it will take further action to implement the bi-American.

Ford, too, said, “Investing in the United States, Americans and American services is a very important mission,” and expressed a willingness to secure and produce electric vehicle production bases in the United States.

Meanwhile, an industry insider said, “With US President Joe Biden’s bi-American signature, Hyundai and Kia may be a bit embarrassed, but it will certainly be positive news for LG, Samsung and SK Hynix, which are showing considerable influence in the electric car market.” Said the opinion.

Reporter Haeun Kim

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