US popular strategy is “a new approach with strategic patience”… Korean’touch sense’

© News1 Designer Choi Soo-ah

The US referred to’strategic patience’ as its strategy against China. It is a new approach that is different from the’My Way’ style of former US President Donald Trump. This is a topic that brings the sense of touch to Korea, which is bound to be sensitive to the air current between the US and China.

◇ The US mentions’strategic patience’ for the first time targeting China, not North

White House spokesman Jen Saki said in a press briefing on the 25th (local time), “We are in serious competition with China. As China challenges the security, prosperity and values ​​of the United States, the United States needs a new approach to China.” Said.

“We want to approach the Chinese issue with strategic patience,” said Saki. “We will work with our allies as well as Congress in the near future.”

Strategic patience is the Barack Obama administration’s policy toward North Korea. The basic concept is to wait for the’collapse’ by imprisoning North Korea with the UN Security Council’s sanctions against North Korea. However, during this period, North Korea rather advanced its nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities. For this reason, the evaluation of a failed policy is a diplomatic’s’interest’.

This is the first time that the term strategic patience has emerged targeting China. The details are not known, but it seems to be in line with the basic position of the Biden administration that it will not go over to the New Cold War. First of all, it was far from the US-China all-out war.

Park Won-gon, a professor at Handong University’s Department of International Languages ​​and Literature, spoke with News 1 and said, “If you look at the US Democratic Party’s ‘2020 political policy,’ there is room for cooperation, even though China needs to be held in check.” “I have to make it.”

Professor Park said, “To use strategic patience this time, we will press together with our allies to lead China with an international order based on US-led rules.”

© News1 Designer Choi Soo-ah

◇ 中’Ganbogi’ in the United States… Korea is on the verge of’touch’

At the same time, China seems to be enthusiastic about the extension of the ‘US tripping’. It is an analysis that rather than throwing a’counter punch’, it is focusing on the’Jap’ that can predict the future response of the Biden administration.

On the 23rd and 24th, China entered Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). Taiwanese military authorities strengthened their vigilance and called for the eviction of Chinese air force aircraft. After the inauguration of the Biden administration on the 20th, tensions between China and Taiwan are rising.

Taiwan’s’backward’ the United States said in a statement from a State Department spokesman on the 23rd (local time) that “China should stop military diplomacy and economic pressure on Taiwan.” Prior to this, the United States announced that the Roosevelt Carrier Corps had trained in the South China Sea the day before.

On the 20th, China also designated 28 people, including US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Deputy National Security Adviser Mattpottinger, who led the public hardline policy in the Trump administration. Accordingly, voices are being raised in the US Congress calling for a’firm action’.

Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平)’s recent remarks are also noteworthy. President Xi emphasized multilateralism at the World Economic Forum (WEF) called the’Davos Forum’ on the 25th, saying, “Creating a small faction or starting a New Cold War and rejecting or threatening others will only lead the world into division.” “Confrontation will lead to a dead end,” he said. Although it did not directly mention the United States, the analysis that it is a de facto message is dominant.

Although the US and China are showing signs of refraining from all-out war, there is a prospect that in the end, the’destiny of a hegemony confrontation’ cannot be avoided. In this regard, among US security experts, the’networking war’ centered on allies and allies is cited as the core of the 21st century hegemony against China.

In this regard, there are also observations that President Biden’s request for participation in anti-China solidarity may become more blatant. From the standpoint of Korea, it is inevitable that it is inevitable.

Professor Park said, “This strategic patience is a kind of anti-Chinese front that requires active participation of friendly and allies,” he said. “Korea can face big challenges.”

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