US National Security Adviser Sullivan “The ROK-US Alliance, Key Axis for Peace in India and the Pacific”

Input 2021.01.23 11:57

First wired consultation with National Security Office Director Seo Hoon
“It is important to start communication between the leaders of the ROK and the United States as soon as possible”

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on the 23rd, “The ROK-US alliance is a linchpin of peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and an alliance that shares the values ​​of democracy and the rule of law with the United States.”

Jake Sullivan, US White House National Security Advisor. /AP Yonhap News

Sullivan, the first White House National Security Adviser of the Biden Administration, said in the first wired meeting with the Blue House National Security Officer Seo Hoon, head of the National Security Office of the Blue House. It was revealed through this written briefing. The call between Chief Seo and Sullivan’s assistant was held for 40 minutes from 9:30 am on the day.

Spokesman Kang said, “The two sides reaffirmed the solidity of the ROK-US alliance, which is the basis of our diplomatic and security policy,” and said, “As an alliance moving toward the same direction, global issues such as Corona 19, economic recovery, climate change, cyber, etc. We also shared the recognition that it is imperative to actively cooperate together.”

Seo and Sullivan’s assistants shared their assessment of the recent situation on the Korean peninsula at the call. In addition, the ROK and the United States agreed to jointly discuss and make efforts to achieve the goal of denuclearization and peace settlement on the Korean Peninsula.

Spokesman Kang said, “The two sides agreed that it is important to commence communication between the two leaders as soon as possible,” he said. “In the future, we decided to communicate closely at all times, including the National Security Council (NSC).”
