US Indo-Pacific Commander “Kim Jong-un is again belligerent to the US… Strategic weapons continue to develop”

Commander Philip Davidson in response to hearing on the 9th

“No meaningful denuclearization measures even in the 2018 agreement”

US Indo-Pacific Commander, Philip Davidson / Ebba News

US Indo-Pacific Commander Philip Davidson, who is in charge of Northeast Asia in the US military, has identified North Korea as a “significant security threat,” and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has shown a belligerent attitude.

Commander Davidson said in a written response to the US Senate Military Commission’s hearing on the 9th local time, “Kim Jong-un is again taking a belligerent attitude toward the United States.” “North Korea poses a significant security threat to the US and our partners,” he said. “It will remain our most immediate threat until the nuclear situation on the Korean Peninsula is resolved.”

Commander Davidson cited North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) as the basis. He said, “North Korea is developing not only advanced cyber operations that threaten our alliance and the US mainland, but also WMD and asymmetric capabilities such as nuclear weapons and transportation systems. “We do not do it and we continue to develop our strategic weapons program.”

In addition, Commander Davidson said, “Kim Jong-un declared that he was no longer bound by the deferred measures he took on nuclear and long-range missile tests in December 2019. At the beginning of this year, he pledged to strengthen nuclear weapons, making the United States the largest and major enemy of North Korea. “We have confirmed some of the new weapons modernization goals, including the development of tactical nuclear weapons and hypersonic carriers, and improving the accuracy and readiness of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).

Commander Davidson heard that the bombing of the Gaeseong Inter-Korean Cooperation Office and the threat of retaliation for spreading warfare against the North were also grounds that’Chairman Kim is showing a belligerent attitude’. Commander Davidson said, “Kim Jong-un has maintained a provocative stance against South Korea by repeating the assertion of reducing military relations between Korea and the United States as a prerequisite for improving inter-Korean relations.” ”He criticized.

It also pointed out North Korea’s violation of UN Security Council sanctions. Commander Davidson said, “Unfortunately, North Korea was able to reduce its impact by implementing loose sanctions by China and Russia.” “North Korea is exporting coal in violation of the UN’s ban, and North Korean workers are stipulated in the resolution of the UN Security Council. He emphasized that he has passed the deadline for repatriation and is still working in China and Russia, through illegal or visa loopholes.

/ Reporter Kim In-yeop [email protected]

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