US House of Representatives “promotion of impeachment bill on the 11th unless Trump resigns”

Protesters in support of US President Donald Trump are climbing the western wall of Washington Capitol on the 6th. Washington = AP Yonhap News

Democrats who lead the U.S. House of Representatives plan to propose a bill to impeach President Donald Trump as early as the 11th (local time).

On the 8th, CNN broadcast said that there is a possibility that the House of Representatives proposes a proposal for impeachment of President Trump on the 11th and schedules a vote until the beginning of the week. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “We are considering a wide range of measures, including the impeachment bill and a bill to establish a committee under Article 25 of the Amendment (a law that can suspend presidential duties with the consent of the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet).” “Donald Trump If the President does not immediately resign, the impeachment bill will be proposed next week,” he told CNN. If the House of Representatives actually pushes for impeachment, it is the second time following the 2019 Ukrainian scandal.

The draft impeachment bill has already been completed. 131 Democratic House members, including House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler and House Steering Committee Chairman James McGovern, were co-sponsored. President Trump was charged with inciting violence and rebellion against the US government in order to overturn his defeat by Joe Biden in the 11/3 presidential election last year. At the time of the Senate-Household joint meeting to certify the results of the presidential election on the 6th, it is the intent that President Trump incited the incident in which President Trump’s supporters invaded the Capitol.

Democrats who participated in the impeachment prosecution argued that “President Trump’s actions on January 6 were consistent with previous efforts to overthrow and interfere with the results of the election.” Previous efforts include President Trump’s call with Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Rappensperger on the 2nd and threatened to find a vote that could reverse the outcome of the Georgian presidential election. It encompasses a series of actions, including pressing Vice President Pence not to certify election results.

They said, “In all of this, President Trump threatened the security and democratic system of the United States, hampered the peaceful transfer of power, and jeopardized government agencies,” they said. “He abandoned trust as president and did obvious damage to the American people.” “I showed President Trump that he would remain a threat to national security, democracy, and constitution if he was allowed to hold office.”

According to CNN, members of the Democratic Party of Congress held a conference call this afternoon to discuss ways to promote impeachment. “President Trump has chosen to be the instigator of the rebellion,” said House Speaker Nancy Palosi. “How we move forward is the theme of the meeting.” The meeting discussed what would happen in the Senate impeachment trial if the House of Representatives impeaches President Trump.

In fact, it is unlikely that the impeachment bill will cross the Senate wall. This is because a majority of the Republicans are against it, and Vice President Mike Pence, who holds the casting boat, is also negative about the impeachment. Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said on the same day that “impeaching the President with 12 days left will only divide the United States further.”

Nevertheless, observations dominate that the Democratic Party’s impeachment is to prevent President Trump from rerunning for the 2024 presidential election. Congressman Adam Seef is said to have said that if the impeachment trial does not take place before President Trump’s retirement, convicting him even after his retirement is important to prevent Trump from running for president again.

Regarding the House’s move to impeach President Trump, Biden took a distance at a press conference that day, saying, “It’s the parliament’s decision.”

Kim Pyo-hyang reporter

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