US House of Representatives also said, “The’comfort women are prostitutes’ thesis is disgusting… apologize.”

A South Korean US Congressman called for a public apology against Mark Ramsey, a Harvard Law School professor, who claimed that the victim of a comfort woman was a “prostitute.”

Young-Kim Twitter capture.

Young-Kim Twitter capture.

US Republican Congressman Young Kim.  Reporter Kang Jung-hyun

US Republican Congressman Young Kim. Reporter Kang Jung-hyun

On the 11th (local time), Congressman Young Kim (Korean name Kim Young-ok, California) of the Republican Party wrote on Twitter that “Professor Ramzier’s claim is not true, misleading, and disgusting.”

“I’m asking for an apology” from Professor Ramsey, he added.

Rep. Kim pointed out that he has been dealing with the comfort women victim for a long time.

“We must support the victims of trafficking and slaves. We must not damage their character,” he wrote. “I ask Professor Ramsey to apologize.”

Earlier, Professor Ramsey wrote a dissertation claiming that “a comfort woman signed a contract and negotiated the terms of the contract freely, such as the amount”.

This thesis was first published in the Sankei Shimbun in Japan, and was controversial in the academic world, starting with Korean students at Harvard University.

The International Legal and Economic Review, an international academic journal that decided to publish Professor Ramsey’s thesis, said on the website, “We are making an announcement of’expression of concern’ to inform readers that concerns have been raised about the historical evidence contained in the paper.” The allegations are currently being investigated and the International Law and Economic Journal will provide additional information when possible.”

Originally, the international legal and economic review was scheduled to be published in the March issue.

Rep. Kim of Korean descent was elected in the 39th election district in California, USA in November last year.

Reporter Shin Hyeyeon [email protected]
