US Federal Property Stops’New Drilling for Oil and Gas’

Administrative measures to reduce fossil fuel subsidies

April Climate Summit

Energy’s “relocated to Russia” opposition

U.S. President Joe Biden, who referred to climate change as an “existential threat,” and emphasized an urgent response, was observed by John Kerry (left in the back row) of the White House in Washington DC on the 27th (local time). He is signing an executive order to respond to change. /AFP Yonhap News

Joe Biden’s US administration put climate change response as the administration’s focus on the 27th (local time) and introduced administrative measures to stop drilling new oil and gas in the federal area. In April, it also revealed the plan to hold a climate summit in which countries participate. President Biden stressed that taking into account the opposition from states with a large proportion of the crude oil industry, climate response would rather lead to job creation.

According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), President Biden signed an executive order at the White House today, calling climate change an existential threat, emphasizing that urgent response is needed. “We’ve already delayed dealing with this climate crisis too much for me,” he said. “It’s time to act.”

First of all, the International Climate Summit is scheduled to be held on April 22,’Earth Day’. Immediately after the inauguration ceremony on the 20th, President Biden, who first signed an executive order to return to the Paris Climate Agreement, is interpreted with the intention of leading the international order on climate response.

The Biden administration has also introduced administrative measures to stop drilling new oil and gas on US federally-owned land and offshore and reduce subsidies for fossil fuels. It will also instruct the Ministry of Home Affairs to stop new federal oil and gas leases whenever possible and to review the program’s climate impact and benefits to taxpayers. In addition, △double offshore wind production by 2030 △New climate change positions and task force between government agencies △Promote government procurement of U.S. clean energy and support the communities most affected by industrial pollution Measures are also included in the relevant measures.

However, President Biden stressed that the hydraulic crushing law to separate shale gas was not completely banned. It is said that the government will not take full regulatory action, as administrative measures to stop drilling new oil could lead to backlash from some states. President Biden said, “Today is a climate day at the White House, which also means a job day,” emphasizing that the climate crisis response is for public health and does not lead to job losses.

However, in New Mexico, where the energy industry is heavily weighted, the Biden administration is protesting the drive to respond to climate. “The ban on state-owned land is far from the common goal of carbon emissions,” said Rob Black, president of the New Mexico Chamber of Commerce and Industry. I will move it,” he said.

/ Reporter Kihyuk Kim [email protected]

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