US Fed “Keep monetary easing policy… It will take time to achieve economic goals”

Jerome Powell Chairman of the Federal Reserve System (Fed).  Source = AP/Newsis
Jerome Powell Chairman of the Federal Reserve System (Fed). Source = AP/Newsis

[이코노믹리뷰=박창민 기자] The US Federal Reserve (Fed) announced its position to maintain the current level of easing monetary policy.

According to the minutes of the Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC) meeting on 26-27 of last month, released by the Fed on the 17th (local time), participants predicted that monetary policy will be maintained for the time being.

The Fed has lowered the standard interest rate to zero after the coronavirus outbreak spread. The monthly asset purchase amount is about 120 billion dollars.

The minutes said, “Attendees note that the current economic situation is far from the Commission’s long-term goals, and the stance for policy would need to remain accommodative until these goals are achieved. I did,” he explained.

The evaluation of the Fed’s quantitative easing (QE) was also included in the minutes.

The minutes said, “Attendees mentioned that the increase in the Fed’s balance sheet since March last year has substantially eased fiscal conditions and is providing substantial support to the economy.”

Some say that the current policy will continue until signs of economic recovery appear as indicators.

The minutes said, “The Commission’s guidance on asset purchases suggested that purchases will continue at the current rate, at least until there is significant progress toward achieving employment and inflation (inflation) targets.”

The minutes explained, “As the economy is still far from that goal, the attendees thought it would take some time before substantial further progress could be made.”
