US FDA approves emergency use of Johnson & Johnson vaccine… 3rd vaccine

(Photo = Yonhap News)

(Photo = Yonhap News)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved an emergency use of a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine developed by Janssen, a subsidiary of pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson (J&J) on the 27th (local time).

According to the AP-AFP news agency on the 28th, the US FDA decided to accept the recommendation to approve the emergency use of the Corona 19 vaccine developed by J&J subsidiary Janssen through a vote of the Vaccine and Biological Drugs Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) the previous day. did.

In general, the FDA’s recommendation for urgent use approval has been regarded as a procedure by experts to certify the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

VRBPAC unanimously recommended approval for urgent use of J&J’s Corona 19 vaccine (developed by Janssen) to adult Americans (over 18 years old).

The U.S. thus secured the third COVID-19 vaccine with the approval of the Janssen vaccine following the vaccine developed by Pfizer-Germany Bioentech and Modena.

However, the COVID-19 vaccine jointly developed by British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca-Oxford University has not obtained FDA approval.

In particular, J&J’s Janssen vaccine is immunized with just one vaccination, unlike Pfizer, Moder, and vaccines that require a total of 2 vaccinations.

In addition, the existing vaccines have low immunity against the South African variant virus, whereas the Janssen vaccine has a high immunity effect against the variant virus.

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