US, EU must “join hand to overwhelm China”… China expands anti-US front lines in the Middle East

Blincoln After NATO Foreign Affairs Meeting

“Responding as an ally to coercion”

Wang Yi in a meeting with Saudi foreign minister

“Anti-Interference in Internal Affairs” aimed at the US

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln (pictured) urged European allies to stand on the side of the United States. He appealed for joining the pressure on China during his visit to Japan, and he plans to bring in Europe, a traditional alliance, to make the anti-China front rough. China also traveled to the Middle East to secure allies, and the competition between the two countries is intensifying.

According to CNBC on the 24th (local time), Minister Blincoln said after the meeting of the foreign ministers of the member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) the day before, “When one of us is forced to act coercively (from China), we must respond as an ally. , We must work together to reduce our weaknesses.” Minister Blincoln said that he would not force the alliance to choose between the United States and China in view of the reality that Europe has a lot of economic exchanges with China. “Each country can cooperate with China,” Blincoln said, but noted that climate change and health issues are areas that require cooperation with China. This suggests that there are limited areas for cooperation with China.

In fact, Secretary Blincoln spent most of his time beating China.

“They are actively working to undermine the rules of the international system, the values ​​shared by us and our allies,” Blincoln said of China. “If we cooperate to realize our positive vision for an international order, We are confident that we can outperform China in any stadium.”

He also referred to the fifth generation (5G) telecommunications and said, “China’s technology poses a serious surveillance risk.” “We bring together technology companies from countries such as Sweden, Finland, Korea and the United States, and foster safe and reliable alternatives. In order to do that, we have to use public and private investment.”

Europe responded. The United States and the European Union (EU) agreed to resume dialogue between the two sides on the Chinese issue, and Italy also invited a Chinese ambassador to their country to protest the retaliatory sanctions against China’s Xinjiang Uighur.

China is also actively taking steps to expand the anti-US front. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi, a foreign minister in charge of foreign affairs, complained about Western countries during a meeting with Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan, held in Riyadh. Wang said at the meeting, “China supports Saudi Arabia’s willingness to defend the sovereignty of Saudi Arabia.” Although he did not directly mention the United States, he criticized the recent Uighur sanctions of Western countries. Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post (SCMP) analyzed that “after the US-China clash at Anchorage, the two countries are seeking to strengthen solidarity with their allies.”

/ Reporter Park Seong-gyu [email protected]

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