US Democratic Party’s seizure of the Senate is in front of him… Georgia 1 seat win, 1 seat strong

Democratic candidate Rafael Warnock, elected to the US Senate in Georgia. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Democratic candidate Rafael Warnock, elected to the US Senate in Georgia. [AFP=연합뉴스]

The possibility that the Democratic Party of the United States will dominate the Senate after winning the presidential election has increased. On the 5th (local time), the Democratic Party secured one seat in the final vote for two seats of the Georgia state senator, and the other one was likely to win, the Associated Press, The New York Times (NYT) and CNN reported.

Democratic candidate Warnock wins over Republican Leppler
Candidate Osoff is the most likely elected Republican before Purdue
If you win two seats, you will take control of both the White House and both houses in 12 years
Biden policies such as income tax, corporate tax, and minimum wage increase are expected to speed up

If the Democratic Party takes both seats, it will take over the White House and the Senate and House in 12 years. In this case, President-elect Joe Biden, who takes office on the 20th, is expected to gain momentum in the administration of state affairs.

Major U.S. media outlets reported that the Democratic Party’s Rafael Warnock had won over the incumbent Republican Rep. Kelly Leppler as a result of their own analysis of the counting results of Georgia’s electoral authorities. In addition, in the confrontation between Democratic candidate John Osoff and Republican Congressman David Purdue, he said that Osoff’s election was dominant.

As of 4 am on the 6th (local time), with 98% of the votes counted, Candidate Warnock’s vote was 50.6%, ahead of Rep. Rep. Rep. (49.4%) by 1.2 percentage points. The difference is 49,000 votes.

Democratic Party candidate John Osoff, who won the Senate runoff in Georgia, USA. [EPA=연합뉴스

미국 조지아주에서 상원의원 결선투표에서 당선이 유력한 민주당 존 오소프 후보. [EPA=연합뉴스

CNN은 남은 표 약 10만 표 대부분은 민주당이 약 8대 2로 강세를 보이는 디캘브카운티(주 아래 행정 단위) 것이어서 워녹 후보의 승리가 뒤집히기 어려울 것으로 판단해 그의 승리를 선언했다고 밝혔다. 개신교 목사인 워녹 후보는 조지아주 첫 흑인 상원의원이 된다. 하지만 레플러 의원은 트위터에서 “끝까지 싸울 것”이라며 승복하지 않았다.

기자 출신인 오소프 후보는 득표율 50.15%로 퍼듀 의원(49.85%)을 앞서고 있다. 득표율 차이는 0.3%포인트다. 조지아주는 득표율 차이가 0.5% 이하면 재검표를 요구할 수 있다. NYT는 “오소프가 이길 확률은 95% 이상”이라고 전했다.
민주당이 2석을 모두 이기면 상원은 공화당과 민주당이 50대 50으로 동률이 되지만, 상원의장을 겸하는 부통령이 ‘캐스팅 보트’를 행사할 수 있어 민주당이 상원을 이끌 수 있다. 지난 11월 대선과 함께 치러진 상원 선거에서 공화당이 50석, 민주당과 무소속이 48석을 차지했다.  
가장 최근에 백악관과 상·하원을 한 정당이 장악한 경우는 2009년 오바마 대통령 1기 때였다.  
상원은 입법뿐만 아니라 고위 관료 인준과 예산 심의 등 인사와 돈줄을 모두 쥐고 있다. 민주당이 상원을 장악하게 되면 바이든 행정부가 공약한 정책들도 속도를 낼 것으로 보인다. 특히 공화당이 제동을 걸어 온 소득세와 법인세, 최저임금 인상 등에 탄력이 붙을 전망이다. 
신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 확산 속에 긴급구제 예산 규모를 큰 폭으로 늘리고, 대규모 인프라 투자 등 경기 부양책도 적극적으로 펼칠 것이란 예상도 나온다. 
전문가들은 조지아주 상원 선거에서 공화당 패배를 트럼프 대통령의 대선 불복에 대한 심판으로 해석하고 있다. 


 미국 조지아주에서 상원의원 결선투표에서 낙선한 공화당 켈리 레플러 의원. [AP=연합뉴스]

Republican Rep. Kelly Leppler, who won the senator runoff vote in Georgia, USA. [AP=연합뉴스]

On the eve of the election, Rep. Trump stepped on the stage in the last support campaign held in Georgia and declared that he would stop Biden’s victory, saying, “On January 6 I will (go to Parliament) against the election of the presidential electoral team. .

President Trump claimed that the Georgia election results were fabricated, demanded a second review, filed various lawsuits, but lost. It also hurt that the transcripts of the currency, which pressured Georgia’s state secretary to overturn the results of the presidential election, saying “Find my lost votes,” were released two days before the election. Some analysts say that unfounded claims that the elections were fabricated paradoxically caused Republican voters to fail to vote.

If the Democratic Party secures two seats in the Senate, it is expected that the position of Republican lawmakers who support President Trump at the joint Senate-Household meeting announcing the confirmation of presidential election on the 6th will decrease.

However, there is an analysis that the democratic party’s number of seats in the House of Representatives is reduced by 10 from the previous one, and the Senate is virtually tied, so unilateral soloism may be difficult. Depending on the case, moderate and liberal lawmakers in the Democratic Party may have different positions.

The Democratic Party became the majority party by securing 222 seats in the House of Representatives, 11 more than the Republican Party, but lost 10 seats from the existing 232 seats. It became the majority party with the fewest seats in 20 years.

Georgia, considered a Republican garden, elected a Democratic presidential candidate 28 years after Bill Clinton in 1992. It will be the first since 2005 if there is a senator belonging to the Democratic Party.

Washington = Correspondent Park Hyun-young [email protected]
