US Democratic Party Impeachment Proposal… Trump’s’Witch Hunt’ Backlash

“Trump dismissed” U.S. House of Representatives votes to call for the invocation of Article 25 of the Amendment

Symbolic measures ceased due to the rejection of the fence

5 Republican MPs in favor of impeachment

The first Senate also turned his back… “CEO of McConal judges that Trump has committed a crime to be impeached”

The possibility of passing the impeachment bill in the Senate is low.

Trump “impeachment, the biggest witch hunt in history”

On the 12th (local time), US President Donald Trump is shouting as he enters a speech stage installed in front of the US-Mexico border barrier in Alamo, Texas. President Trump criticized the Democratic Party as “a series of witch hunts” when the Democratic Party initiated an impeachment proceeding against him./Reuters Yonhap News

Reuters reported on the 12th (local time) that the US House of Representatives has adopted a resolution calling for the exclusion of President Trump’s duties. Ahead of the impeachment vote, the U.S. House of Representatives has increased the intensity of pressure on President Trump.

There is also an analysis that the possibility of impeachment has increased as it is known that the Senate Representative Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, who was negative for the impeachment, has also said in favor. However, it is not clear whether it will lead to actual action, and the analysis that the possibility of realization is still not large as 17 Republican lawmakers must approve of the impeachment bill in the Senate to pass.

According to Reuters, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution at the plenary session that day with 223 votes in favor and 205 votes against. The resolution requires Vice President Pence to declare that President Trump is incapable of performing his duties under Article 25 of the Amendment and to immediately exercise his power as acting presidential authority. But just before the vote, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence revealed to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that he would not invoke Article 25 of the Amendment, and the resolution is unlikely to mean more than a symbolic measure.

Amid the Democratic offensive, the voice of impeachment is growing even inside the Republican. Five Republican members of the House of Representatives, including the leader of the General Assembly, Liz Cheney, publicly expressed their support for the impeachment, and cracks are gradually forming in the Senate, which refused to impeach Trump. The New York Times (NYT) cited multiple officials and said that the Republican Senate Representative McConnell was satisfied with the Democratic Party’s pursuit of impeachment, and that President Trump had committed a crime deserving of impeachment.

However, experts say it is unlikely that Trump will be impeached before retirement. The BBC analyzed, “None of the Republican senators have explicitly stated that they would vote for Trump’s impeachment,” and said, “Unlike the House of Representatives, the possibility of an impeachment bill being passed in the Senate is very low.”

In the midst of this, US President Trump met with reporters before leaving the White House to visit the Mexican border barrier in Texas today, and refuted that Congress’s impeachment of him was “arousing tremendous anger.” President Trump condemned the Democratic Party’s impeachment campaign as “really absurd,” and as “the biggest continuation of witch hunts in political history.” “What they do is really terrible,” he said. “The continuation of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on this road poses a tremendous risk to our country and arouses tremendous anger.”

Regarding the point that his speech on the 6th had fueled the intrusion of supporters in the Capitol, he did not admit responsibility for incitement, saying it was “completely appropriate”. It did not answer the question of whether to resign.
/ Reporter Park Seong-gyu, New York = Correspondent Kim Young-pil [email protected]

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