US Corona 19 vaccination surpassed 30 million people… Expansion of vaccination targets

Input 2021.02.08 07:49

The number of people vaccinated against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in the US exceeded 30 million, CNN broadcast reported on the 7th (local time).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) counted the number of Americans who received more than one vaccination as of this day at 3,157,9,100. The number of people who completed the second vaccination was 9,147,185 people.

In addition, the number of vaccines distributed to this day was 59.3 million doses, of which 41.2 million doses of the vaccine were counted. The amount of vaccination increased more than 2 million times from the previous day.

Vehicles from drivers who completed pre-registration on the 14th of last month (local time) are lined up at the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine’Drive Through’ inoculation center at the Koweta Gownti Fair in Newnan, Georgia. /yunhap news

According to CNN, the average number of vaccinations per day in the last week until the 6th is about 1.3 million, exceeding President Joe Biden’s goal of vaccinating 100 million people in 100 days of inauguration. In order to inoculate 100 million people in 100 days, an average of 1 million people per day must be hit.

However, it still falls short of President Biden’s expectations that 1.5 million people will be vaccinated a day in the near future.

As the speed of vaccination increases, the targets for vaccination are also expanding. The top priority is to open the door of vaccines to other vulnerable groups as the vaccinations for medical institution workers, long-term care facility residents and employees, the elderly and manpower in essential occupations are completed.

New York State is considering expanding the coverage to people with two or more complications, regardless of age, after about 75% of the healthcare facility’s workforce is vaccinated.

The governor’s office cited cancer, chronic kidney disease, lung disease, and heart disease as qualification requirements. New York State will be the first state to open the door to vaccines for people with these chronic conditions, CNN said.

The Health Department in Houston, Texas, recently announced that it will prioritize vulnerable and underprivileged communities such as homeless, uninsured and immigrants. For example, it supplies more vaccines to hospitals that accept people without health insurance.

However, a large-scale winter storm in the northeastern regions such as New York is causing another setback. Vaccines have already been shut down in some states due to heavy snowfall, and some in New York State shut down due to an impending winter storm in New York State, Governor Andrew Cuomo said.

New confirmed cases and hospitalized patients are on a stabilizing trend. As of the 6th, the average number of new infections per day for the last week was 120,000, which was significantly lower than the 220,000 on January 6, a month ago.

According to the Corona 19 Tracking Project, the number of hospitalized patients with Corona 19 in the United States fell below 100,000 for 8 consecutive days until the 6th. The situation is quite different from the record high of 132,400 on January 6th.
The vaccine supply will continue to expand. Pfizer has announced that it will supply 200 million batches by the end of May and 200 million batches by the end of June.

In addition, Johnson & Johnson, who recently applied for approval of the emergency use of the vaccine to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is also planning to supply 100 million doses by the end of June.

Combined, CNN reported that by the end of June, a vaccine capable of hitting 300 million people will be supplied.
CNN pointed out that the number of people getting vaccinated every day is outpacing the number of newly infected people with COVID-19, and the fact that the vaccine supply will increase more and more in the future provides room for optimism.
