US Congress opens the way to pass ‘2,100 trillion dinosaur support plan’… Democratic single processing possible

The US Congress has laid a foothold to pass a $1.9 trillion and $2100 trillion relief bill prepared by President Joe Biden to overcome the recession caused by Corona 19.

The Senate and House of Representatives dealt with a resolution on the 5th that would allow the Corona 19 relief bill to be passed with a majority vote.

The Senate passed a resolution of 51 to 50 and the House of Representatives 219 to 209, respectively.

Dealing with resolutions means that Congress passed a resolution, a procedural step that focuses on the Senate’s initiation of budget adjustment rights before the bill is voted.

If the majority of the Senate Democrats use the power to adjust the budget, they can pass the bailout with a simple majority vote, rather than the 60 votes normally required to process the bill.

In this case, as the Republican’s filibuster, or obstruction of unrestricted parliamentary actions, is neutralized, there is a high possibility that the’dinosaur relief bill’ that President Biden pushed as a top priority, even if all Republicans oppose in the vote.

Currently, the Senate seats are divided into 50 seats by the Democratic Party, including the Republican Party and the Democratic Independent, and the vice president exercises a casting boat when the vote is tied.

CNN evaluated that “passing the budget resolution does not mean dealing with the bailout bill,” and said, “It has laid a foothold for the budget adjustment process to pass the bailout.”

The Senate held fifteen hours of debate and voted on the amendment from the previous day, and then tied 50 votes in the resolution ballot held around 5:30 am on the 5th.

Here, Vice President Camela Harris of the Democratic Party, the ex officio Senate chairman, was the first to run a casting boat after taking office and passed the resolution.

The resolution follows the framework suggested by President Biden, including additional payment of $1,400 in cash, extension of unemployment benefits, funding for vaccine distribution and testing, support from state and local governments, and increase in child tax credits and labor tax credits. The Hill said.

However, prior to the Senate vote, a non-partisan group in the Senate such as Democrat Joe Manchin and Republican Congressman Susan Collins submitted an amendment that prevented top earners from receiving additional cash of $1,400 (approximately 1.57 million won), which was adopted as 99:1. It is done.

In addition, Republican Congressman Johnny Ernst submitted an amendment to prevent a $15 minimum wage increase during the pandemic, which was also adopted.

Senator Bernie Sanders, who has advocated a $15 increase, made it clear that his argument was not a straightforward increase to $15, like Ernst’s amendment, but a five-year increase.

CNN said these amendments were not binding and did not mean that the corona relief bill would be changed unconditionally. “It represents a broad consensus to make a change.”

The House of Representatives handled the budget resolution on the 3rd, but it was voted again after some revisions were made in the Senate that day.

With the passage of the budget resolution, CNN predicts that the Senate will vote in a final vote later this month or next month, when the impeachment trial for former President Trump ends.

But even if the right to adjust the budget is invoked, the resolution contains strong signals that some of the Democratic senators in the Democratic Party are expecting a change in the bill, he said.

Previously, President Biden presented a stimulus plan to Congress when he took office, but the Republican Party has strongly resisted due to concerns such as increased debt.

In particular, the issue was that a person with an annual income of 75,000 dollars (approximately 84 million won, 150,000 dollars for couples) was paid 1,400 dollars in cash per person.
