US Congress confirmed President Biden’s election… Secured a majority of 306 people (total)

'306 vs. 232' Biden, a majority of electors...  Formulating a presidential victory

picture explanation‘306 vs. 232’ Biden, a majority of electors… Formulating a presidential victory

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The US Congress has officially confirmed the president-elect Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

On the 7th (local time), foreign media such as Reuters reported that Biden’s election victory was confirmed at a joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives to certify the voting results of the state-by-state presidential electoral group.

Biden-elect secured a 306 electoral corps that exceeded 270, a requirement for victory in the 11·3 presidential election, which determines the electoral corps by state. The electoral team that President Trump has won is 232. On this day, both houses confirmed the result of this vote.

The parliamentary certification process, which has been regarded as a formality, has attracted attention as the final gateway to finalize the results of the presidential election, coupled with President Trump’s protest movement.

Although some pro-Trump-like Republican lawmakers have announced that they will object to the election results, it is expected that Biden’s election decision will not be difficult.

However, the joint meeting, which started at 1 p.m. the day before, was declared a regular meeting one hour after the opening of the meeting due to the unprecedented incident in which protesters supported by President Trump broke into the Capitol.

The incident, which is evaluated as an attack on American democracy, has killed 4 people and has captured 52 people.

Vice President Pence and Chairman Pelosi declaring the final certification of the electoral vote

picture explanationVice President Pence and Chairman Pelosi declaring the final certification of the electoral vote

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The meeting, which resumed after six hours of the regular session, was eventually overdue.

The meeting was conducted in a manner in which one or more members of the Senate and House of Representatives objected to the election results in a particular state, and both houses had separate discussions and votes. Both houses had to get a majority vote before the county could be excluded from the county elections.

Both houses, which certified the results of the state electoral votes in alphabetical order, rejected after more than two hours of separate debate and voting due to Republican objections against Arizona.

The Republican Party also objected to the state of Pennsylvania, but it was also rejected in both houses and the state’s voting results were recognized as valid.

Biden-elect will take office on the 20th.

US Congress Confirms President Joe Biden Election (PG)

picture explanationUS Congress Confirms President Joe Biden Election (PG)

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