US CDC “School is Safer Than Outside” Biden’s’School Class’

In a school in Nevada, USA, which started face-to-face classes in August last year, students are leaving school while maintaining a certain distance. [AP=연합뉴스]

In a school in Nevada, USA that started face-to-face classes in August last year, students are leaving school with a certain distance. [AP=연합뉴스]

American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Research shows that schools are safer from the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) than in the communityCame out. US President Joe Biden, who has pledged to normalize schools within 100 days of inauguration, is expected to be empowered.

“If you follow the quarantine rules, you can resume school”

On the 26th (local time), CDC published a paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that reviewed the data on Corona 19 from schools in the United States that resumed in-person classes last fall. In this paper, CDC said, “The rapid spread of Corona 19, which often appeared in workplaces or communal living facilities with dense staff, has not been reported in schools.”

According to the thesis, a 9-week survey of 11 school districts in North Carolina that had face-to-face classes last fall found 32 cases of infection in schools among more than 90,000 students and staff. On the other hand, 773 cases of students and faculty were infected outside the school during the same period. There were no cases of transmission between students and staff.

Similarly, 17 rural schools in Wisconsin also reported 191 infections during the 13 weeks in which face-to-face classes were held, of which only 7 were infected within the school.

However, the researchers “The reason that the spread was prevented was because the school implemented precautionary measures for Corona 19, such as wearing a mask, keeping a distance of about 2m, and frequent indoor ventilation.”Emphasized.

In fact, in an Israeli school case cited by the CDC in May last year, a mass infection occurred within two weeks of school due to asymptomatic infection. Researchers pointed out that distancing and wearing masks were not actively carried out at the time, and air conditioning was used in an enclosed space.

Margaret Hornine, the first author of the paper, stressed that “going to school is necessary not only for education, but also for children’s health and social welfare,” and emphasized that “as the data is accumulated, the school can be opened safely if precautions are taken.

US President Joe Biden in his inauguration speech on the 20th (local time)

US President Joe Biden said in his inauguration speech on the 20th (local time) that “we will let our children learn in a safe school.” [AFP=연합뉴스]

The results of this study are expected to help the Biden administration’s plan to normalize school attendance. President Biden said he would provide $130 billion to schools across the country to improve social distancing and ventilation, as recommended by the CDC.

However, the CDC recommended that even if school is resumed, indoor sports activities, etc., where preventive measures for COVID-19 are difficult to be taken, should be refrained from. He cited the case of the Florida high school wrestling competition held in December last year, and 38 of the 130 participants were confirmed.

Reporter Seok Kyung-min [email protected]
