US and Japan reaffirm their will to denuclearize North Korea

US and Japan reaffirm their will to denuclearize North Korea

Revision 2021.03.16 18:40Input 2021.03.16 18:40

US and Japan reaffirm their will to denuclearize North Korea

[아시아경제 구채은 기자] The heads of diplomacy and defense of the United States and Japan reaffirmed their commitment to the denuclearization of North Korea. It was also mentioned again that the Senkaku Islands, a’territorial dispute area’ between China and Japan, are subject to a security treaty.

On the 16th, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln and US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin held a meeting of the US-Japan Security Consultative Committee and so-called 2+2 talks with Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi and Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi on the same day. After the meeting, they held a joint press conference and said that they “recognize that North Korea’s armed forces pose a threat to international peace and stability.”

In a statement, they said, “I urge North Korea to reaffirm North Korea’s commitment to complete denuclearization and to comply with its obligations under the UN Security Council resolution.” It also confirmed the need for an immediate resolution of the Japanese abduction issue. The two countries said, “Trilateral cooperation between the United States, Japan and Korea is very important for security, peace, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.”

It also reaffirmed that the US-Japan alliance remains the cornerstone of peace, security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. It also emphasized that Japan will strive to strengthen its defense capabilities and further strengthen the US-Japan alliance, while the US will support Japan’s defense through all capabilities, including nuclear weapons. It has pledged to promote a relevant international order for a free and open Indo-Pacific.

In particular, they stated in a statement that “China’s actions inconsistent with the existing international order are raising political, economic, military and technical challenges to the alliance and the international community.” The US-Japan foreign affairs and defense ministers pledged to oppose China’s coercion and unsafe behavior. It also expressed serious concern over China’s maritime police law (recognition of the use of weapons by the Chinese maritime border), and reiterated that the Senkaku Islands were included in Article 5 of the US-Japan Security Treaty.

Reporter Koo Chae-eun [email protected]
